Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {47}

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"Your wedding's in November 8th? That sucks." says Zane as he takes a spoonful of Lucky Charms.

"I know." I said as I watched him eat, "You know, I've never seen a criminal eat Lucky Charms before."

"Are you saying criminals can't eat Lucky Charms?" he asks me with a mouthful of cereal.

"Well, I think it's wierd." I said.

"You're wierd." he says, grinning.

"You both are wierd." says Landon, opening the fridge.

"Thanks, bro." replies Zane.

"Where's your mom? I haven't seen her all day today." I said.

"Small business trip. She'll be back tomorrow." says Landon.

"Is she always on a business trip?" I asked.

"Well, not all the time. Since her schedule's packed with the wedding and stuff, she has to do alot of things including her work." he says.

"Speaking of weddings, isn't it next week?" asks Zane.

"Yup." Landon and I both replied with a deep sigh.

"You guys always look like you just got hit by a bus whenever someone says 'wedding'." he says.

"That's because we don't want it to happen." says Landon.

"That's a lie." says Zane, smirking.

"I agree! I don't want it to happen. One week is too soon." I said.

"That is also a lie too." he says.

"Zane!" I snapped.

"What? C'mon, I know you two really wanna get married really badly." he says.

"Shut up, Zane." snaps Landon, giving Zane an evil glare.

"Hey, you guys like eachother. Skye giving you a kiss on the cheek...and making out with you..." says Zane.

"What? Making out?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah." he says.

"Hahaha, really funny. We never did that!" I said, faking a laugh.

"Don't lie to your future husband's brother, Skye. You two did make out. In the rain." he says.

"Landon!" I shouted and slapped Landon on his shoulder.

"Ow! What? I never told him!" he says.

"Then who did?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Amy." replies Zane.

That biotch.

"Why?" I asked.

"She told me that Landon told her that you and Landon made out in the rain." he replies.

I glared at Landon one more time, crossing my arms.

"Oops." he says.

"I bet you liked that kiss, Landon." says Zane, smirking.

"Shut up, I didn't." replies Landon.

I looked at him and asked, "You didn't?"

He looks at me back and then back at Zane, "Uh..."

"Whatever." I said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Ooh, sassy chic is maaaaad." I heard Zane say to Landon.

"Shut up, Zane!" I shouted.


I walked into my room and sat on my bed.


Landon is such an asshole.

"Jealous!" I heard someone shout outside of my door.

"Shut up, Zane." I said.

Zane comes into my room and looks at me, smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Jealous..." he says.

"I heard you the first time, Zane. So, you can shut up now." I said.

He sits on my bed, across from me and pinches my cheeks.

"Ow!" I shouted and slapped his hand away, "God, you act like my best friend, Darcy."

"Your best friend?" he asks, "Is she hot?"

"I guess, she's pretty." I replied.

"Does she ha---"

"She has a boyfriend. Better luck next time!" I said, cutting him off.

He gives me a sad face and then looks at me, smiling, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No...why?" I said.


"No, thank you." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Why not? I'm available." he says.

"I'm done with relationships...for now." I replied.

"You're gonna be in one next week. With your husband." he says, smirking.

"FML." I said.

"You text talk?" he asks.

"What's wrong with that? I do say FML's and BRB's but I don't really say those LOL's or OMG's. That's just too much." I said.

"Do you say things like ROFL or LMAO?" he asks.

"Hahahah. No. That's stupid." I said, "Do you?"

"Fuck no." he says.

"Hey, no fuckin' swearing!" I snapped, jokingly.

He looks at me and smiles, "You're such an ass."

"Nyeh!" I said, slapping him playfully on the shoulder.

He looks at me in the eyes and starts leaning in.

Somehow, I closed my eyes and waited.

Suddenly, the door flies open, making me open my eyes, and there was Landon, staring right at us.

"Skye, I'm borrowing your homework agai---What the fuck?"

Zane gets up from my bed and walks towards the door, "I was about to leave. I wasn't going to do anything to her...hahaha..."

He glances back at me, winks, and walks out the door.

"Are you sure---"

"Yeah, I'm sure. He never did or was going to do something to me." I said.

"Oh...okay." he says and walks over to me. He looks at me and grins.

I sighed and held out my homework. When he was about to grab it, I pulled it away and laughed, "Dumbass."

"You whore." he cusses. He snatches my homework away from me and says, "I'll give it back later. Too lazy to think."

He looks at me straight into the eyes, like what Zane did to me a few seconds ago.

"What? Need my essay now?" I asked, sighing.

He lightly shakes his head and kisses me on the cheek. He stayed like that for a while and then pulled his head away.

"See ya, Skye." he says and walks out with my homework.


Undescribable Landon.

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