Arranged marriage to a rich......Jerk?! {46}

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Ohcrappity crap crap.

This is not going well at all! Spencer just asked me out just an hour ago and he expects an answer tomorrow. Oh god...

"You look horrible." I heard Landon say.

I turned around and saw Landon, looking at me.

"I feel like a pile of shit." I replied, showing no emotion.

"T.O.M." he says, smirking.

"No, you perv! It's something else. Something that's none of your business." I said, slapping him on the shoulder.

"What?" he asks.

"I said, it's none of your business." I said.

"Tell me. Spencer rejected you, fell in a puddle, tripped on a pebble?" he asks.

"Nope." I replied.

"Then what?" he asks.

"He asked me out." I said.

Landon looks at me blankly and slightly tilts his head to the side, "What?"

"He asked me out." I repeated.

"I know that but why are you depressed about that? Don't girls hyperventilate when guys ask them out?" he asks.

"For me, I don't. Unless it's a really hot guy or someone cute from TV." I said, "What I mean is that I don't think Spencer's 'the one'." I said.

"'The one'?" he asks.

"Yes, 'the one'. He's sweet. And nice. And cute. And a great guy but I don't think he's the right guy for me." I said.

"Okay, then say no." he says.

"Dumbass, I can't just say 'Oh I can't go out with you because you're not the one for me'." I said, "Rejecting someone is hard."

"For me it's not." he says.

"Obviously. You move on too fast with girls." I said, "That's what makes you a player."

"Shut up." he snaps.

"You shut up." I said, glaring at him.

"Oh, there's the bickering couple." I heard Zane say with a happy tone.

"We're not a couple, Zane." I said.

"Looks like it for me." he replies.

"So, what to you want?" asks Landon.

"Oh right, Halloween's coming up. You guys doing something?" says Zane.

"Wow...already?" I asked.

"I don't know about Halloween but I'm planning something on Mischeif Night." replies Landon.

"Well, maybe we can all go trick or treating together!" says Zane, cheerfully.

I stared at him for a second and asked, "Trick or treating?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun. And besides, everyone will be in costumes so the police won't find out where I am." he says.

"Trick or treating sounds stupid." I heard Landon mutter.

"I don't think it's stupid. No one's too young for trick or treating!" I disagreed.

"Someone understands me." says Zane, giving me a high 5, "C'mon bro, it'll be fun."

"We're just going to walk around getting candy. That's not 'fun'." says Landon.

"C'mon, Skye. Landon's a party pooper so let's go trick or treating together on Friday." says Zane, grabbing my hand.

Landon just stares at us uncomfortably and then says, "Fine, I'll go."

"I knew it." says Zane, smirking.

"What?" asks Landon.

"Nothing." says Zane.

"Seriously, what?" says Landon.

"I knew you'd give in when I said 'together'." replies Zane.

"Psh, what? Shut up, dude. I just thought it'd be fun." says Landon.

"Didn't you just say that trick or treating isn't fun?" I asked him.

"No. I never said that." he says.

"Yes you did." I corrected.

"Yup, you did." Zane agrees with me.

"To be honest, I don't trust anyone with you Zane. That's why I said yes." says Landon. "Aww, you care about Skye." teases Zane.

"Shut up."

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