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It had been days since the last nightmare, the full moon had happened last night and tomorrow is the day that this new evil will rise. In the world of darkness, the being sat on his throne, holding another Chaos Emerald, he was busy absorbing its power.
"For now, this world's existence is all in motion, but tomorrow is where the day of judgment will take place." It chuckled as it looked at its minions below him. "For the City of Chao and most importantly, for me." It stood up and walked down into the light, the artificial lights created by balls of plasma shon down upon the throne room. And in the centre of its spotlight stood Chaos, its blue water like body stood there with a feeling of darkness and death floating around him.

"I have made sure to wreck that Jackal with psychological messages and visions. This will show that I am superior and he is inferior." Chaos walked around the throne room. "And that ruby shall be mine, with the combined power of the emeralds, I shall be unstoppable." He looked to his minions who in turn lifted up their spears and cheered. "For them, in the end. They will see that existence will be futile." Chaos cackled. "Ever since I was defeated by that blue menace, I have been hiding and regenerating, i have spied upon them using you lot as my eyes." He gestured to his minions, his yellow eyes narrowed gently. "And I have seen just how weak they have become, cowering under a single jackal who only came into power with a ruby. Pathetic, but with the power of the Chaos Emeralds and that ruby, every living thing will cower and perish." Chaos then teleported behind his minions.

"And well, my power is growing, I can teleport greater distances than ever, soon I can leave this dark place and visit the world, see how the sun rays dance over civilisation in a frenzy. Though, it will have to wait. Time is ticking and I want to see the destruction myself, but for now. Go, go my little minions and find me the last Chaos Emerald, the last one that belongs to me. And the city of Chao." The minions saluted and teleported away, letting their master see through their own eyes so that he can also watch the resistance members talk and get to know about strategies.

Hello there peeps, this is the second to last chapter :3 I know that you guys will be wanting more, and this might be the last story about anything sonic related that I do, but we shall see. I just wanted to make this chapter so that it can show the villain as the scenes in the few previous chapters gave no proper indication. But anyway. Hope you enjoyed it, and see you in the finale ^^

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