Getting It On

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The power hungry jackal watched as Gadget ran off to cry alone, but Infinite couldn't care less, he got to where he had wanted and there was no turning back. However something pulled on him, his mind was now at war with itself, 'what did he do? Why did he do that?' The questions were left with no answers as the tyrant looked out of the window and down from the mountain top, soon he took off his mask. A broken jackal was underneath but Infinite had turned back into Zero. Zero looked around the room and looked at the robots that were currently turned to him.
"Go around the base and use heat seeking interfaces to find Gadget. All information is to be reported back to me immediately. I want to make things right." He sighed and put his head on the desk as he sat down. "Maybe I am a monster, the power feels good but it's not good at the same time." He sighed softly.

It was about two hours later that the robots had found the room that Gadget was in, however they did not go inside since they were not instructed to, however they did send the room location to Zero, the robots went away from the room. Walking to the room Zero was reciting what he was going to say to Gadget, he even brought along some meat for the wolf, he wanted Gadget to know that he was sincerely sorry for what he did. Hopefully his wolf would forgive him, Zero needed to end this war that was going on in his head and be at peace with himself though at the moment it looked as though his other side was winning. Standing outside the room he started to pace back and forth, scared about how the conversation would go.

Knocking on the door, he heard a faint grumble inside. Zero opened the door slowly and carefully.
"G..Gadget? Are you ok?" The jackal asked, he did not want to provoke the wolf.
"I'm about as ok as a Mobian who just got shouted at by the one they love." Gadget growled. His voice was filled with venom.
"I..I'm sorry... I..I didn't mean any harm." Zero replied softly and walked into the room. "Its hard to switch between my two personalities." He walked closer to Gadget.
"Then keep one personality, this personality." Gadget wiped his tears and sighed. "Be the jackal that I fell in love with, not the one who wants to take over the world."

Zero sighed softly and walked over, he sat next to the wolf.
"I..I will gladly do anything to get on good terms with you." The jackal looked to the wolf, and it was clear that he meant anything.
"Then stop this pursuit of power. I see you as some sort of tyrant that rules this place with an iron fist and an Iron Curtain around the country with no access to the outside. Please, be the jackal that I love."

Zero was about to contradict but seeing how distressed and disappointed Gadget was, he didn't. He wanted the best for his lover, not the worst. He then nodded his head gently.
"Alright. I'll do it, for you." Zero stood up and held his wolf's hand gently.
"Thank you." Gadget smiled and stood up, he gave the jackal a kiss on the lips, he then moved his hands up and down the jackals back.
The jackal chuckled softly and started to kiss back in a heat of passion.

Their lips locked as they played with each others bodies. Their hands exploring each other further, would this be a night of passion or much more? The kissing continued, the bliss and pleasure pushed the young couple. Zero then pulled away from the kiss and smirked dominantly as he pushed the wolf onto the bed.
"Now, If I'm going to be doing this for you, there is something you can do to me." The jackal purred and he grabbed Gadgets arms and put them over the wolfs head. He then whispered something into Gadgets ear which made the wolf blush harshly and shiver with joy. He then responded with.
"I'll do whatever you say... daddy." The wolf smirked softly and said in a sultry tone, the jackal started to kiss and nibble the wolfs neck.

Gadget moaned softly from the stimulation on his neck, but then he felt a slap on his chest as the jackal lifted himself up so he was sitting on the wolf.
"Now, I want you to get this nice and slick, before I raid your tomb." Zero purred dominantly as he continued to hold Gadgets arms above his head.
"With pleasure daddy." Gadget smirked and lifted his head, he then started to lick the tip of Zero's large phallus, the jackal above him moaned in pleasure.
"Come on, you can do better than that." Zero stated as he sat further up Gadgets chest and pushed his cock into the wolf's mouth slowly. The warmth of Gadgets mouth was heavenly.

As Gadget suckled on Zero's mighty member, his own member sprang to life and wanted attention. However the dominant jackal gave no such attention, he was only interested by the wolf's mouth for it was amazingly warm and the added stimulation by the tongue seemed to do the job.
Gadget was doing his best not to graze his teeth on the large member. His tongue swirled around the tip but then he felt it, the jackal had started to thrust into his mouth quickly and roughly.

As the jackals cock started to piston in and out the wolf's mind went blank, this was an amazing moment, feeling his lovers cock fill his throat was magical, but then Zero pulled out and the wolf whimpered.
"Now, be a good boy." Zero started and stood up, he then summoned some rope. "And roll over." The jackal whispered seductively and deeply into Gadgets ear. Gadget nodded and rolled over, his erection was rock hard and was almost painfully so, but the jackal had other plans, pulling the wolf's arms so that they were in between his legs, Zero toed them up so that Gadget couldn't get up.

Zero then spanked Gadget sharply which made the wolf moan lewdly.
"Do you want me to fuck the cum out of you?" Zero snarled and pulled up Gadgets head with a fist full of fur.
"Y..yes." Gadget responded but was met with another spank.
"Yes what?" The jackal snarled as he shoved a finger roughly into Gadgets anus.
"Yes daddy, fuck me and fuck all of my cum out." The wolf begged.
"Good boy." Zero smirked triumphantly and got behind his wolf. He then pulled out his finger and pushed himself into the smaller Mobian under him, his cock stretching the wolf's anus widely, the warms and the tightness of the canal was better than his lovers throat.

Gadget tried to lift his head but then Zero pushed his head back down with a powerful arm. The jackal spanked his wolf again, he wanted to make sure that Gadget knew that he was his and no one else's. Zero then started to speed up, pumping his cock in and out of Gadget's anus, he wanted to make sure that it was well used and that his scent was all over his wolf. Using his free hand he gripped Gadgets hip as he thrusted.

Gadget had his mouth open, his tongue hanging out lewdly as he felt his lover claim him, his body then shifted and was now on his back as his lover had lifted him on top, riding his lover in a cowgirl type position. The jackals strong arms held him close as Zero pounded away at the wolf from underneath.
Gadget was starting to feel close, his tip flared with anticipation and he shot his cum all over himself and his lover, his anus also clamped down on Zero's cock which caused the jackal to shoot thick heavy cream into Gadgets colon.
"Fuck." Zero moaned as he pushed Gadget down on all fours again and hilted himself inside, his cock firmly embedded within the wolf. The ropes then disappeared and Gadget was free.

"That was amazing." Gadget said between pants. His cock was now softening.
"Indeed." Zero smiled and rolled to the side with gadget.
"Should we get a bath?" Gadget asked and tilted his head but also yawned.
"Tomorrow." Zero responded and cuddled up to his wolf. "Mine." Zero chuckled softly and nuzzled Gadget.
"See you tomorrow my love." Gadget smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Iron Curtain: (Winston Churchill gave a speech in Westminster College in Missouri.) during the period of 1945 - 1991 the iron curtain was a political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas. Communist and Capitalist, if you wish to watch it I shall put a link.

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