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Throughout a couple months of hard work, Gadget had finally managed to develop his hunting and killing skills, under the watchful eyes of his master Infinite obviously. Over time he managed to get used to the low voltage shocks. But the higher voltage was only beginning.

Infinite's training had been thorough, every time Gadget would have disobeyed him he would pump up the voltage and whip him. It was a simple process, do as you're told and nothing bad will happen. However Gadget was secretly liking the punishments that Infinite was giving him, every time the jackal would get angry and control the wolf, Gadget would allow his superior to do what he wanted, however he didn't know when the right time to tell the sadist that he developed feelings for him. Gadget knew that he was a softy on the inside, he wanted to see that side of him again.

Over the couple of months since he first hunted the deer he managed to get a tally of 30 kills. However this was not satisfactory to the jackal, he needed to do more if he were to survive on his own if the time came. He obtained his first kill on a Mobian who was trying to fight Infinite in hand to hand combat, the wolf was so silent that in a dark room with him, you could hear a pin drop since he was so silent. Infinite is like the gamer who goes guns blazing when its a stealth mission and Gadget is like the gamer that does what the mission says he should do, always going by the rules.

Gadget was now being let out into some of the cities, he was being tasked by Infinite to kill any unsuspecting Mobians, sitting on a decaying ledge he waited, his fur was now greyish in colour because of all the dust that he had to go through. Witnessing a search squad go past Gadget smirked and hopped down, bringing his knife up he snuck up on the squad only to be snatched up by Shadow who then knocked him out.

"Got you, ya little shit." Shadow smirked as he then teleported away and strapped Gadget to a table. "I have the traitor." Shadow folded his arms as he looked to Knuckles.
"Good, Tails, prepare for assessment. Test number 1, and rolling." Knuckles pressed a button and the camera he sat next to started to record. Shadow woke up Gadget with a slap across the face.

Waking up with a jolt Gadget looked around from where he was, he tried to move his arms but unfortunately the straps held him in place.
"W..where am i?" Gadget asked with a snarl as he tried to break free again.
"Welcome to the interrogation room Gadget." Knuckles walked forward into view of the camera and walked to where Gadgets head end. "At the end of this session, we will convert you back to us." Knuckles smirked softly and walked away, Shadow then came into view.
"Now listen here squirt." Shadow snarled and punched the poor wolf in the stomach. "Why are you with Infinite?" He asked and stood on the table where Gadget was being strapped down.

"Like I'd ever tell you!" Gadget spat at the hedgehog, tears pricking his cheek. He was then met with a quick kick to the side by Shadow.
"Then I'll just have to break you." Shadow smirked and kicked the wolf again, Shadow then put his knees either side of Gadgets body and grabbed him by the neck. "Tell me what i want to know and I won't turn you into my punching bag." Shadow smirked.
"O..ok. I'll talk." Gadget closed his eyes and felt the hedgehog get off of him. "Infinite is not as bad as you think. He only wants revenge." The wolf explained and looked to Knuckles.
Sonic the piped up. "Revenge? Who does he want to get revenge on?" The blue hedgehog looked to Gadget and tilted his head.
"Well. He's in this room. And When Infinite finds out who captured me, he will rain every bit of agony upon you." Gadget smirked and looked up at Shadow, Shadow snarled and stood on Gadgets stomach and charged a beam in his hand about to finish the wolf off with a blast, he needed to shut the wolf up before the secret was revealed.

To Be Continued

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