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Eggman was on the floor, gagging as he choked on his own blood. Infinite stood over the pathetic doctor, a glint in his eye reminded Eggman what type of monster he had created. Using his cubes Infinite threw him to the middle of the room and made the concentration of the cubes in Eggmans body go up.
"You have no idea how long I have waited for this day." He spat at the doctor. "You call yourself a doctor thought you couldn't fix my pain. You promised me a new life, a life where I would be free from torment." He shouted and threw the suffering doctor to the wall with a low growl. He then used cubes to pick up the abused man. "Well, allow me to introduce your new life. Hell." Eggman started to scream with those words, the pain had increased and soon a hole in his stomach had appeared, acid was leaking out. The cubes had cut the scientists stomach open to release the contents from within, the screaming was caused by the acid eating his intestines like a thick mist at night would do to a town. The hole was now gaping on both sides, the doctor was on the floor, a corpse. The jackal then looked out of the window. "This world will be mine." He said as he clenched his fist.

Gadget watched in horror as Infinite left the body on the floor. Gagging softly he walked to the glass window next to Infinite.
"A..are you going to clean it?" Gadget asked, however Infinite grabbed Gadget by the neck and slammed him to the glass.
"Do you think, I, an all powerful overlord has time to clean up a measly body?" The jackal growled as Infinite held back the true Zero from within. "Clean that body up, I want that floor so shiny to the point that I can see my face in it." He growled and threw Gadget to the floor with a huff.
Gadget, was shocked by this, he wanted to cry but his emotions were mixed, he loved him, but there was also a point where he started to contemplate it. Did he want world dominance? Sure Infinite had convinced him, but seeing the war and the destruction had lead him down a path he would regret. Standing up he looked to Infinite and narrowed his eyes.

"No." Was all the Wolf said. The jackal turned to him, his eyes in a fury.
"No?" Infinite responded and walked over to the wolf and grabbed him by the fur on his chest. "You will do as I command, you are my bitch. You will do as I say before I kill you." The jackal yelled at the small wolf, Gadget started to tear up. "You insignificant little shit, clean that body. Now." The jackal kicked Gadget to the floor and turned to face the window and sat down in Eggman's chair, the power was getting to him.

Gadget started to clean the body, holding back his tears was hard before. But now, the flood gates were open, streams of tears ran down Gadgets face as he cleaned up the body. Was he just a pawn? Or was Infinite just holding Zero back? He wanted to find out but he didn't know how to. Once the body was cleaned, Gadget went to one of the many rooms in Eggmans lair, sitting on the bed he bawled his eyes out.

Hey guys, i know it has been a while since I have posted a chapter. But school has been giving me lots of tests, so I have been revising like mad. I know this chapter was short but hey, it's something to read. Cya in the next one.

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