The Present

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Two years later:
Location: Central City
Time: 20:00/8:00pm

Gadget was sat in his underground office, he could hear the air raid sirens blaring above, he could hear the sounds of bombs as they hit the solid ground above, he was lucky he managed to secure a place in the resistance but not so lucky to be hiding in Central City. The bombs that were dropped were heavy and highly explosive, two of the resistance members had been already killed by a jackal that called himself Infinite, apparently he was created by Eggman to hunt down and kill the resistance. Gadget then looked down at his chest, a large scar had formed from his first meeting with Infinite, he killed both of his friends after they laughed at the jackal, needless to say Gadget did want revenge, but there was no way he could beat that abomination of power.

Soon two visions came to him. Both of his friends, one with a large hole in his chest and one without a head, Gadget screamed and tried to run out of the office but the door was locked, he fumbled through the keys in his glove covered hands.
"You.... you should have protected us. Coward." His friend yelled at him, the red glow around his friend grew brighter and soon disappeared without a trace, the other followed in a red flash of light. Gadget had wide eyes, tears rolling down his face, he then sunk down to the floor against the door, he was now crying into his hands, he doesn't know why they kept coming to him. But every time they did he couldn't help but break down, it made him think he was a terrible friend, a coward. And that he wouldn't be good enough for the world he lived in.

After about an hour the bombs stopped and a knock on the door could be heard and Gadget immediately stood up from his chair and looked through the eye hole. Sonic was on the other side of the door, Gadget grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. He opened the door with a smile.
"Hey Sonic, new orders from knuckles?" He asked the blue hedgehog.
"Yeah, I was doing reconnaissance. No Infinite or robots yet, I got a message from Knuckles saying to check up on you. How are you holding up?" The hedgehog asked and tilted his head.

"I'm fine." The wolf smiled and sat down in his seat, he gestured Sonic to sit down. "How is it up in Green Hills?" Gadget asked, he then poured sonic a glass of water since mostly luxury items such as tea and hot chocolate were rationed.
"Yeah, its going well at the moment, we don't get bombarded by explosives every night though. But Infinite has been spotted by our cameras. We put an inclusion zone around so that we know that it is safe to stay in the area, but after that, the forest is off limits. Luckily we are underground. Though it is a shame what happened to Vector and Charmy, poor guys died to that horrible jackal whilst defending their teams. I heard them over the radio, apparently Infinite is looking for Shadow, I haven't seen him in weeks though." Sonic sighed and drunk his water. Shadow was a tricky bugger to find, he liked his peace and quiet, Gadget understood why but if Infinite wanted to find Shadow that badly, why didn't he use the ruby to find him though?

"Anyway I have to go now." Sonic brought Gadget back to reality and stood up. "New orders are coming and i have to get to Knuckles, he is stationed in an abandoned village on the outskirts, we don't use radio transmissions anymore since what happened with Vector and Charmy." He sighed and left the deep underground bunker without giving Gadget a chance to say goodbye. Gadget sighed and rubbed his eyes, how long had he been awake? No one knows for sure but the bombing runs on the city were affecting his sleep deeply, his head then just fell onto the desk and fell asleep.


Infinite was floating above the city, his hawk like eyes scanning the ground for any resistance members, he had already killed a patrol of 15 just for fun, but none of the documents lead him to Shadow, not even a step closer. Soon he spotted the blue ball of energy so he spawned some red cubes and trapped the blue ball in an impenetrable box.

Sonic stopped running as soon as he was trapped, he tried his best to break out, hitting the red cubes but all they did was send a shock of electricity through him. Infinite cackled as he landed and looked at the helpless hedgehog.
"If it isn't Sonic, Eggmans arch nemesis, how i would love to kill you and take over Eggman's robot army. But i have a few questions." The jackal used a hand to form some red cubes and wrap them around Sonics throat and hang him up. "You have about 60 seconds to tell me the whereabouts of Shadow and your general, if you do not I shall give you a slow but painful death." The Jackal snarled and walked through the red cubes to sonic.

"I..I wouldn't do that, you're now trapped in here with me." Sonic struggled against the cubes but they tightened around his neck.
"No. More like you're trapped in here with me." Infinite punched the blue hedgehog in the stomach and started to pluck his quills. Soon the jackal felt Shadows presence. "He's here." The jackal teleported away and appeared on a destroyed building.

A black ball of energy landed onto the ground and the figure rose, Shadow looked up at Infinite and growled.
"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Shadow snarled and spawned a spear in his hand.
"Kill me? Hah, you couldn't even harm me." The jackal smirked under the mask.
"I harmed you in another way, remember your crew?" Shadow taunted and folded his arms. This set off an alarm in Infinites head. "You're a coward and weak." Shadow added. He wanted a good fight this time, he wanted Infinite to suffer from his words.

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