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Shadow looked down at the wolf and growled as he got ready to shoot the beam.
"Shadow turned Infinite into the monster he is today." Gadget smirked and Shadow fired the beam, this damaged his right eye screaming in pain, Gadget started to cry but before Shadow could finish the job red cubes covered the red wolf. The lights then started to flicker.
"You... Made... A... Grave... Mistake..." A voice called out from all corners of the room, the cubes around Gadget had set him into a deep sleep where he could feel no pain, beams of electricity started to heal the wolf slowly.

Soon, a ball of red energy appeared, this startled everyone even Shadow stepped back.
"You have unleashed, the inner demon." The voice was now an angry growl, and red cubes started to wrap around the throats of the main resistance members. "And you shall die." Black eyes appeared out of the red orb of energy that had accumulated in the room. Infinite stepped out of it and looked Shadow in the eyes as he tightened the cubes around everyones throats. Shadow looked at Infinite with a low growl as he too struggled against the cubes.

"Its funny. I know you don't care about anyone in this room. So why are you bothering to help them fight?" Infinite asked, he was right in what he said in all fairness. "And now you make the mistake of harming the things in my life which give me happiness. My Squad for starters then you hurt my wolf." He growled and used more cubes to suspend Shadow from the ceiling and stretched his arms and legs out. "Now. Take this as a harsh warning, the last warning before a detention." Infinite teleported away with Gadget who was still sleeping.

Shadow dropped from the ceiling and rubbed his throat, growled he walked out of the room and slammed the door shut, Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy and Silver who were in the room at the time watched as they also rubbed their throats, the blood rushing back to their brains and the oxygen into their lungs. They were confused but also shocked after hearing Infinites speech.


Infinite had taken off his helmet and sat next to Gadget, he was now Zero again, stroking Gadgets hand Zero started to shake violently, he rested his head on the bed that Gadget was laying on and started to cry, Zero wanted to protect him, he didn't want to bering him into a world of crime but his other self, Infinite, got to him first.

Hours went by, Gadgets right eye was looking better now, a large black scar went from forehead and down to his cheek, luckily the healing managed to keep his vision in tact. Zero was waiting for Gadget to wake up, he twiddled his thumbs. Soon Gadget woke up and Zero stood up quickly.
"M..master?" Gadget asked and turned his head to Zero. "W..what happened?" Gadget asked and tried to sit up but Zero laid him back down.
"Don't get up, its fine." Zero gave a soft smile and hugged his wolf.

"W..why are you hugging me? I failed you." Gadget looked confused and Zero put a finger to Gadgets lips.
"Its not your fault, it would have happened any time whilst you were out there." Zero smiled as he let go of Gadget and stood up, he then put on his helmet again. He turned into Infinite again.
"Now. Once I'm finished tonight, since your injuries are still fresh, you will be polishing my helmet. And if you don't polish it to my standards, you will be punished severely." Infinite growled the last part and left the deep underground bunker. "Time to give the resistance a shock." He smirked under his mask.

To Be Continued

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