Shadows of the Night

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The night was dark, screams of terror could be heard from within Infinites mind. This dream.... no nightmare that he was in, he was powerless. The shadows were moving, everywhere he looked caused motion sickness and every time he took a breath it reeked of death. A figment of his imagination, though it felt real. Too real. The jackal walked through hallways, the faint glow of his ruby was absent and his fur was damp with sweat. His eyes darted from side to side as he watched the hallway for anything out of the ordinary, a voice then echoed out from every direction.

"You are weak, only I control this realm you foolish mortal." The voice was deep and gravely. Soon a figure approached from the darkness. The figure had the shape of a hedgehog, but other than that there were no distinguishable features. The voice was mixed, it sounded partly like Shadows voice and Sonics voice as if they were merged into one. Then a golden aura surrounded the figure, its glittery shine had no effect on the hallway.
"W..who are you?" The jackal called out, however no response came however the thing to come shocked the jackal more, tears pricked his eyes.

The shadowy figure chuckled as the new figure was lowered into the hallway it had a distinct red fur.
"G..gadget!" Infinite yelled as he looked at the figure with disbelief, whatever this figure was going to do, the jackal would not allow it. Running towards the figure he leaped to slash the manifestation however the figure teleported behind and knocked infinite to the wall which caused a dent in the steel wall.
"You can cause no harm to me." The figure said as it clenched its fists. "I do not wish to fight, but."

The figure then punched a hole through Gadgets stomach, Gadget then coughed up blood over the figures arm the blood then absorbed into the figures body.
"I...Infinite." Gadget reached out to his lover, as he took his final breath.
"Beware Infinite. This is my dark rebirth. You should fear me, for I am the worlds worst nightmare." The shadowed figure moved towards Infinite carrying Gadgets body and absorbing the blood. "This blood represents your fear of loosing a loved one. I know you are familiar with it, and I bathe in it, the taste is so unique. Just remember this." The figure then dropped Gadgets lifeless body onto the floor. "On the second day after the full moon, I will rise and will become the ultimate being." And just like that the figure disappeared.

Infinite ran to Gadgets body, kneeling next to it he lifted up the carcass and held it in his arms. Tears of grief fell down his cheeks as he became overwhelmed with anger and sadness, closing his eyes he let the tears flow.


In the real world, Gadget was shaking Infinites unresponsive body.
"I..Infy, please wake up." Gadget begged. He was very worried about his lover.
Infinite soon woke up in a sweat and hugged Gadget close to him.
"I..It was horrible. The nightmare." Infinite was holding onto Gadget as if for dear life.
"We can talk about it hun." Gadget reassured, I'm here for you.
"Not now... I just want to have silence." Infinite said as he clung onto Gadget.
"Ok." Gadget smiled softly and rested his head on Infinites shoulder.


Hey peeps, so its been a while since i posted a chapter, so I thought that I would do a short chapter for you all. Cya in the next one ^^

Also here is a video. The theme in the video is the shadowy figures theme. (I'm adding the figure to the story for a good reason.) make sure to listen to the theme if you want the full effect of the characters appearance.

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