Spoilin for a Fight

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It was now the second day after the full moon, the resistance members all stood around the city waiting for the threat to emerge from the torn buildings, but who said that the threat would be emerging there? It could be emerging from anywhere. Tails was looking at his monitor as he had placed motion sensors throughout the city, he was waiting with sonic in a small burrow that they had dug, many of the armed resistance forces stood around with their rifles waiting in a designated hiding spot. The city reeked of death, corpses littered the streets, some with missing limbs or torn open. If the threat was to gain the ruby it would potentially be game over for everyone, and without the chaos emeralds they were all sitting ducks.

Infinite was standing on top of a skyscraper and was scanning the environment, his eyes darted like a hawk trying to spot its prey from miles away. Gadget was also on the skyscraper with him but on a flat surface as he did not fancy going on the actual spire of the tall tower, he had his rifle ready but was scared as if this threat was as how Infinite described him, then it would be down hill... well down the building from Gadgets case as he couldn't fly or teleport, though he did have his grappling hook just incase.

Shadow was in the tree line and looking for any threat from outside of the city, incase this being was out there. Shadow wanted to be alone as he did not want interference from anyone, he also ditched his radio so that he could have time to himself. However back in the city suspense grew as noises from every corner could be heard. Then Tails's monitor went off, there was movement in the south eastern section of the city, so Knuckles sent a two squads around to the south eastern side to try and do a pincer movement on the threat.

As the squad set off they failed to account for the fact that they weren't searching all around them. It then started to rain heavily, the water mixing with the dirt on the stone floor to become mud and the corpses to become waterlogged, however the squad didn't notice the water starting to form, they continued with their mission to the south east of the city.

The water shifted more and more and finally, some water like soldiers morphed from the ground and started to attack the squad and with quick succession the soldiers were taken out, blood splattered on the streets and the bodies of the Mobians were lifeless and frail, almost as if these 'water soldiers' had sucked out their nutrients leaving them as a bag of bones to be feasted on by rats. However Tails was still looking at his monitor and saw that the squad had gone off the radar, turning to sonic he showed the hedgehog the screen.
"They're gone." Tails said as he looked up at sonic. The hedgehog was in disbelief, how were they gone so quickly? Was it because they stuck together? He asked himself.

Soon a voice entered everyones head. Chaos was already getting into the minds of those that were in the city, the voice was deep and had a pinch of a honey like tone.
"Mortals, your days of living have come to an end, your puny lives will be like putty in my hands once I am done closing off the city to the outside world, besides. I am always one step ahead of you, for I am omnipotent and I control water as I please, those chaos emeralds were a rare treat once you left them unguarded, but I'm not going to waste anymore time monologuing so prepare to die." The voice then went away but a huge dome of water suddenly surrounded the city making it virtually impossible for anyone to get out.

More minions spawned and walked out of the watery walls of the dome, their spears out and ready to fight and kill anyone who came into view. The infantry had no choice but to fight, however their weapons were weak against the water based beings as the bullets went straight through them, the soldiers were also weak to the water soldiers as when they tried to fight them, their hands would just go straight through their bodies and would just straight up get killed.

Infinite looked down at the soldiers fighting and so he sent out his red cubes to fight the water soldiers, his red cubes were actually doing well as they used magic to boil up the soldiers and make them evaporate. Sure that this was a bad way to go but well, the jackal didn't really care much anyway. Then a horrendous noise could be heard, a loud shriek from something out of this world, tentacles came out of the ground and started to spiral up the tower that Gadget and Infinite were on, crushing the foundations easily in its mighty grip. Snaking up the tower the large face of the being erupted from the ground and towered into the sky. It was the final stage of Chaos, it was Perfect Chaos, all the negative energy from the emeralds in one place, controlled within the twisted mind of a power hungry God.

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