The Lone Wanderers

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The night dragged on, the peaceful sky was lit up by the moon and stars, the twinkling acting like morse code trying to send a message of hope to those on the ground. A flash of red light shone on top of a hill, Infinite had appeared on the hill, looking over the war torn city he took his helmet off with a sigh, his right eye had a large scar over it, his eyes were the colours of orange and blue, they watered gently as the wind blew against his face, his hair flew like a cape behind him. Turning around the jackal looked at the grave stones that he had placed for his crew and sat on a rock.

"I...I'm sorry, i should have protected you guys. I should have never let my guard down." The jackal started and set the helmet down. "I'm a terrible leader and I want to set things right, I really do." Infinite felt the tears roll down his cheeks, it was ok to cry here, he was alone. The only comfort he really had was that of the grave stones that stood on the hill top. Sniffing Infinite looked to his arm and formed a knife in his hand, putting the blade to his forearm he grit his teeth but he threw the knife away and started to sob, the torn jackal just sat there weeping, without his crew he felt useless. The ruby started to pulse and send a warm sensation around his body, it felt like a hug. Could the ruby sense his feelings?

"Zero." A voice said and out of the graves spirits of his former squad mates appeared before him. "You are not useless. You were the best leader we have ever had. You taught us how to survive. Do not mourn over our deaths. Think about the good times we had." The spirit spoke in confidence and a smile. The dumbfounded jackal looked at his squad and wiped his tears away. And with that the squad floated away to the afterlife. Once they had left Zero felt a bit better about himself, though the pain of his losses had affected him greatly.

Soon a twig broke and Zero put on his helmet, he was now Infinite again and got defensive. Summoning his red cubes he sent them off into the forest. A scream could be heard as the cubes had caught the being in the trees. Bringing it back to Infinite it was no other than Gadget. With a snarl Infinite put a sword to his neck.
"You dare spy on me." The jackal growled and snapped at Gadget

"S...Spying?" Gadget asked and his voice broke into a high squeal as the blade was at his throat. "I was doing no such thing." Gadget said but Infinite flung Gadget at a tree, this caused a branch to fall and break one of the grave stones, Infinite snapped back into Zero after witnessing this and he threw the branch off, he tried to use the red cubes to fix the grave stone, Gadget watched in a confused state of mind. This was the first time the wolf had seen the all powerful jackal this vulnerable, standing up Gadget tried to walk over but then Zero growled and slammed Gadget to the tree with the cubes and soon fixed the grave stone, then Zero let go of the Wolf.

"Why do you come here?" The tall jackal asked and walked to Gadget, his slim muscular body and flowing hair made him look like a true warrior.
"I came here to get away." Gadget responded, he stayed down since he was no match for the other being.
"Get away from what?" Infinite queried and growled as he grabbed Gadget by the shoulder and pulled him up to eye level, his hand around Gadgets neck.
"To get away from the resistance, to be alone." The wolf responded and was soon let go by Infinite.

'Alone?' Infinite asked himself, 'why would a wolf like him want to be alone?' Infinite asked himself again, he knew that being alone out here was dangerous.
"Right, listen to me wolf. You can stay the night up here with me, but by morning you better be gone, I do not want to see you here when I wake up. Do you understand?" The jackal asked and glared at the wolf.
"Y..yes. Understood." Gadget nodded and sat down against the tree, Infinite smiled softly under his mask. He was only after Shadow, nothing else, but this wolf was a good one, maybe he could twist Gadgets mind and make the wolf join him.

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