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I recommend you watch the video too so that it can show Gadgets conflicting thoughts.

It was early morning. Gadget had woken up from his long sleep, he felt safe near the jackal for some reason. Looking over to him he spotted Infinite sleeping soundly like a baby next to the graves, Gadget then had an idea of who were under the dirt. That nightmare he had was one of pain but it also told a story about Infinite. He wasn't always evil and twisted, he was protection for hire, his mind darted back to the nightmare and realised that this must have been his squad. Gadget felt his heart ache as he understood what had happened, he wanted to find Shadow for revenge, not kill a bunch of innocent mobians.

Then the jackal started to wake up, opening his eyes he stood up and grunted, looking at the wolf he snarled.
"Why are you still here?" Infinite asked and folded his arms, his claws grazed his biceps and then he clenched his fist.
"I..I just woke up, thats why." Gadget responded in confidence. Infinite looked at him with a clam gaze 'Zero, you can't get angry at him, what wrong has he done to you?' A voice whispered into Zeros ear, he sighed gently and turned around to look at the city.
"You found out who are in the graves didn't you?" Zero turned back to look at Gadget. Gadget then nodded gently.
"Y..yes I did. I'm sorry for your losses." Gadget tried to connect to Zero, the jackals good side was enough to make Gadget feel calm.

"It is no concern of yours. You should get going before the resistance comes searching for me. To see one of their friends talking to the enemy is seen as betrayal." Zero explained. The jackal didn't want to let the wolf be caught. But then an idea sprang into his head and a devilish grin formed upon his face.
"Say, since you have no where to live, how would you like to come live with me?" The jackal smirked, he was going to try and turn Gadget to his side and be with him, like he said in Gadgets dream 'everyone will look up to you, you will be respected.'

"W..why would I do that?" Gadget asked and gulped softly.
"Because you want to be respected. You're determined to show people that you are powerful and that you are strong." The jackal enticed the wolf with his power of manipulation. "Think about the power you will have. Think about all the respect you will gain. Power is the only currency in this world." Infinite walked towards Gadget and placed his hand on the wolf's shoulder. "You want to get Knuckles back for kicking you out of the resistance, he said that you were weak." The jackal continued to tare the fragile mind of the wolf.
"Thats not true." Gadget retaliated but then he was hit by a recording of Knuckles.

"I don't trust him. Wolves and jackals are part of the same family of dogs, one way or another he will betray us." The voice of Knuckles rang out of a red cube, but what Gadget didn't know was that it was an imitation voice that sounded realistic. Gadget then slumped down and held his knees to his chest.
"D..Did he say that?" He asked the jackal before him, the wolf was very confused. Why did Knuckles want him in the resistance in the first place?
"Yes, he did. He didn't trust you, but I do. We should stick together. With my might and your brains we can rule over an empire." Infinite smirked.

This left a large decision for Gadget. It was such a big choice, lifting a finger Gadget opened his mouth to speak.

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