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It had been a couple of hours since Infinite had woken up from his sleep. Gadget had helped his beloved Zero calm down but now they had to tell the resistance about this vision. Zero was worried, he knew that he would be wanted for the murders he did. Would he be killed at the hands of the resistance? No, he had Gadget with him.

After leaving Eggmans base, the duo ventured to the resistance HQ, however they were intercepted by a squad of Mobians who pointed their rifles at them. Gadget put his hands in the air and gestured to Infinite to do the same. Now because of the Geneva Convention it would be a war crime to attack whilst surrendered, though Infinite had killed civilians which is also a war crime within itself.

"You're coming with us." The squad leader shouted as she brought out some handcuffs and put them on Gadget and Infinite. They were then dragged away by two Mobians towards the resistance HQ. Once underground Infinite and Gadget were locked up in a cell and waited for Knuckles and Sonic to arrive, turns out the rest of the group were out on a scouting mission for survivors. They then heard the heavy steps of two individuals.

"Ah, well if it isn't Infinite and our little traitor, what brings you here at this time of day?" Knuckles asked as he stood outside the cell and looked at the jackal with folded arms, Sonic stood in the back and brought no attention to himself.
"Well you se...." Gadget started but was cut off by Knuckles.
"I did not give you permission to speak, I'm asking your friend here." Knuckles growled at the wolf and clenched his fist.
"I had a vision. An enemy is coming, more powerful that me, well I think anyway. He said that he would rise on the second day after the full moon, he looked like a hedgehog, but that could have only been a figment of my imagination. It could be way worse than we think." Infinite responded with a straight answer, he tried to make it so that it sounded like the truth as he knew that Knuckles wouldn't even trust one word he says.

"The second day after the full moon? Thats a load of bullshit." Knuckles glared at the jackal. "If there was an enemy who can deliver messages through dreams, I would say that no enemy could do so." He folded his arms.
"Trust me, he is coming. And fast." Zero cried out, he knew what he was talking about. "Have you witnessed anything strange at all?" The jackal asked and tilted his head.

"There is something." Sonic piped up. "Ive been looking around in the chaos emerald stash that we have buried, but one of them is missing, I believe that it is the green one." Sonic looked to Knuckles and then to Infinite. "Is there some sort of correlation here that we just don't get?" The hedgehog questioned.
"Could be..." Infinite responded. "I've felt tugs on my ruby at random times, like a large magnetic flux density having its way with me." Infinite recalled. "But I know that this will be the death of us, it appears that things infused with magic are disappearing left right and centre." The jackal hummed to himself. "We cannot let this unknown force have dominance, we must hunt it down and exterminate it before it becomes too strong." Infinite suggested.

"Alright fine. We shall think on it, it appears this enemy knows how to weaken us beforehand." Knuckles rubbed his chin and walked off with Sonic.

War Still Wages [Infidget]Where stories live. Discover now