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"You dare mock me." Infinite growled at Shadow, but this just added to the fuel that burned the conversation.
"Oh I dare alright" Shadow smirked as he riled up the jackal even further.

Infinite growled and spawned a sphere in his hands he then unleashed the energy at Shadow, the rage within Infinite was coursing through his veins, he managed to hit shadow but that only struck him to the ground. The dark hedgehog stood up and spawned a spear, he threw it at Infinite to test the waters so to speak. The jackal dodged the spear and sped towards Shadow, he formed a spear in his hands and hoped to strike down the hedgehog, however there was a problem. He was no longer there but he was behind Infinite, with a devilish grin Shadow let out a beam of energy and hit Infinite in the back. This made the jackal loose control and started to spiral down head first into the destroyed street below.

"You are a fool Infinite, to think you can stand up to the likes of me, take what you have learned today and improve upon it." The hedgehog turned away with a satisfied grin and folded his arms, but then a blade penetrated through Shadow's stomach, Infinite had stabbed him through the stomach and growled.
"Who's weak now." The jackal laughed and withdrew the blade, Shadow fell to the floor. "Its a pity that you're immortal, your head would have made a lovely conversation piece for the house." The jackal walked away. "Take what you have learned today and improve upon it." Infinite smirked under the mask and teleported away. The red cubes that held sonic in place had disappeared, the blue hedgehog ran to Shadows side and started to try and treat him.

"Get off of me." Shadow snarled and snapped at Sonic.
"B..but you're hurt." Sonic countered and continued to try and help Shadow
"I. Said. GET OFF OF ME!" Shadow growled and punched Sonic in the face. "You do not touch me, or come near me faker. Do you understand?" Shadow growled and teleported away after leaving a pool of blood behind, the battle would be far from over.
Gadget had watched what happened and ran to Sonics side.
"S..Sonic? Are you ok?" The red wolf asked and rubbed the hedgehog's back.
"Im fine." Sonic replied. "I better get going. I'll see you later Gadget." He smiled and sped off, Gadget sighed and sat down on some rubble, he had never seen a fight as intense as that before. 'But Shadow lost? How? That was impossible, not even Sonic could do that' Gadget thought to himself, he then got up and walked around the destroyed city, he might as well look for survivors.


Sorry that this is a short chapter but, the next one will be longer, I promise :3

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