Let It Happen

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"I... I will join you." Gadget nodded softly and looked up at the jackal who stood above him.
"Good." The jackal smirked under his mask and used a jolt of electricity to shock Gadget with it.
"Agh." Gadget jumped and rubbed his arm gently. "Ow" he started to shiver gently and looked up at him. "Why did you do that?" Gadget asked Infinite as tears pricked his eyes.
"Pain tolerance test." The jackal folded his arms. "We have work do do small wolf." Infinite smirked and pulled the wolf up to his feet.

"W...what. Work?" Gadget asked and shifted nervously and gulped.
"Time will tell. But when the time comes you will have to let it happen." The jackal chuckled and put a hand on the wolf's shoulder. "You have signed a pact with the devil and there is no going back." Infinite walked with Gadget to the cliff edge. "You see, all this destruction was sparked by my anger. Caused by that hedgehog Shadow." He snarled and pushed Gadget away as a black spear landed where Gadget once stood.

"Infinite!" Shadow yelled. "You may have bested me last time but, you will die along with the traitor." Shadow snarled at Gadget and charged for him. However he was blocked by the red cubes and Infinite teleported behind Shadow.
"He's my wolf, not yours." He snarled, there was something about that line that made Gadget think, 'my wolf?' Was maybe it was him wanting to protect the wolf like he did with his squad for so long?
"Then you shall die protecting him!" Shadow snarled and elbowed Infinite in the stomach and sliced his leg with a magical blade. Infinite hid the pain and teleported, only to teleport back in front of Shadow and punch him in the stomach with a large blade coming out of his fist.

"I will not be dying, you will be the one who will loose again." Infinite growled and started to launch the red cubes at Shadow and snarled protectively, it was something that surprised Shadow and Gadget greatly.
"I see you are protective of our little traitor here." Shadow smirked. "Well then, I guess only time will tell about what will happen." Shadow teleported away with a sark chuckle.

Floating down Infinite looked at Gadget with a soft sigh, he was now Zero again.
"I.." Zero was about to speak but Gadget got to it first and started to speak.
"I know how you feel, you have taken me under your wing and you feel that you want to protect me from Shadow, I understand." Gadget smiled gently. He was then met with a warmth around him, it was like a hug but with no physical contact.
"I would hug you but, I have dried blood on me and other bodily fluids." Zero chuckled softly but the warmth soon ended and Zero turned back into Infinite, it was like the ruby would take over his body at times. "Enough of that lovey dovey business." He growled lowly. Using the red cubes he picked up the wolf and teleported with him to a secret underground base, the base was dark and lined with silver, and pulsating red corners. Gadget was strapped to a table and Infinite stood in front of him.

"Let the work begin." The jackal positioned a device over the wolf. "Now, that pain tolerance of yours is weak, we will have to fix that. This device here will shoot volts of electricity through you. I felt lots of pain when the ruby fused with me it was the most excruciating pain ever and i have a high pain tolerance. So I will shock you with electricity every day so that you will get used to it." The jackal smirked and put the voltage to 1 and shocked the wolf. Gadget felt the electricity and clenched his fists.
"F...fuck." He hissed in pain, about 10 seconds later Gadget blacked out and the machine was turned off. Zero came back to control his own body and saw what happened, unstrapping the the wolf he made sure that he was breathing. Once Zero found this pulse he sighed and carried the wolf to a room and laid him down on a bed and put the quilt over him. He hoped that Gadget would be ready for the next day.

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