Scrambled Eggs

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AN: I know its a weird title, but I just felt like calling the chapter this.


It was a new day, Zero and his newfound lover were sleeping together, Zero was spooning the small wolf in his strong arms, he wanted to keep Gadget safe, however today was the day that he would gain the power he promised Gadget. Since he was only using Eggman to get close to the resistance, he didn't need that buffoon anymore, he had his wolf and his ruby. Getting out of bed slowly, the jackal put his mask under his arm and looked to Gadget, tilting his head he used the cubes to form a mask for the wolf, it was black with silver jagged lines going from the snout and round the sides. Putting the mask in a box he set it on the floor and walked out to the kitchen to start cooking some food.

The smell of food entered Gadgets nose, the small wolf opened his eyes and sat up slowly, the smell of meat was enticing, getting out from under the covers and rubbing his eyes Gadget almost tripped over the box that was on the floor, looking down at it he opened it and saw the mask inside. Picking it up he looked at the design and smiled, putting it under his arm, Gadget walked down into the kitchen and saw his lover cooking, walking over he kissed the jackals cheek.
"Morning beautiful." Zero looked down at Gadget with a chuckle and a wink. "You like meat? I'm sure you'll like my meat." The jackal smirked and plated up some bacon and sausages for his lover.
"Heh, thank you my love." Gadget smiled and took the plate, he then took it to the dining table and started to eat. "Thank you for the helmet." Gadget looked back to Zero.

"No problem hun, I knew you would like it. But anyway, the plan I have for today is quite the shocker. For you and the resistance, not for me." The jackal chuckled softly and sat down too and started to eat his own food.
"Sounds interesting." Gadget smiled and finished his food with a smile.
"Oh trust me, it will be." Zero smirked to himself and finished his food too, using the ruby he made the plates disappear. "Right, lets get going." Zero smiled and put on his mask, he then felt his body change and his mind switch to Infinite. "We are going to meet Eggman." He said with a sinister smile behind the mask.

Gadget nodded and put on his mask, it was quite heavy but also very comfortable, the black lenses were more like black lights than just transparent lenses. This meant that Gadget would be able to see hidden things that were invisible to the naked eye in case things were boobytrapped, Gadget then felt a weird sensation as he was teleported to Eggmans secret lair.


The lair was as pristine as Infinite remembered it, the white marble walls had a glossy finish and the flooring was obsidian black, they had teleported into the main office and Eggmans large chair was turned to the large window of his mountain base.
"I've been expecting you Infinite." Eggman smiled and turned around in the leather chair and put his elbows on the table in front of him and clasped his hands together.
"Were you now?" The jackal asked with a growl. His voice low.

"Yes, you have made quite the impression on this Gadget here." The doctor smirked. "And now, I know why you have come here, you have come here for a task am I correct?" Eggman smiled and turned to face the window.
"Quite the opposite actually 'sir'." Infinite smirked and stood on the table.
"Sir? Thats good to hear from a mongrel like you." The doctor chuckled but then a noise could be heard. It was from his robot guards who had suddenly turned around, their guns aimed at Eggman. The doctor turned around and froze.

"Your days are over, a new age has begun. The time has come, you will die from what you created." The jackal growled and used his red cubes to enter Eggmans stomach and eat him from the inside out. "Consider the egg scrambled." The jackal snarled and cackled.

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