The Hunt

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"Right." Shadow slammed the desk which captured the attention of the resistance members. "We have a serious problem." Shadow huffed. "As much as I don't like you guy's intervening with what I do, this is a matter of emergency. Gadget has been spotted with Infinite, I saw Gadget join Infinite."Shadow growled lowly as he looked at the main resistance members.
"Gadget? Joining Infinite? Did you hit your head hard again?" Sonic chuckled but was met with a fist to the face.
"Shut it faker." The dark hedgehog snarled. "We need to go on a hunt to kidnap Gadget and put him in custody for being a traitor." Shadow clenched his fists. He wanted to make Infinite suffer again, and taking Gadget would be a good way to do that.

"Right, with Sonics speed, Tails's flying capabilities and with Shadows superior tracking abilities we will be able to find them." Knuckles stroked his chin gently. "Lets get this show on the road." He smiled and started to draw up a plan. "Sonic you go searching green hills, Tails you go and search around the forests and Shadow, you go around Eggman's base." Knuckles ordered. "I will send a search party of 50 in each sector." Knuckles stood up and walked away from the table. Sonic dashed out of the building, Shadow teleported away and Tails just walked out.


Gadget had woken up a couple of hours later, sitting up he felt groggy, that electricity had made him feel different but not too different to become a masochist. However Infinite came into the room and was holding something in his hand.
"Now look here little wolf, this is called a 'shock collar' it allows me to make you into the most pain tolerant wolf this world has ever seen." He smirked as he started to walk towards the wolf.

"W..what are you doing?" Gadget tried to get away but the jackal used his cubes to hold him down.
"You will do as I say my obedient little wolf. This collar is already attached to a lead or leash however you pronounce it. It will allow me to keep you in the area and not escape from my command." He smirked. "Now what do you call me?" Infinite let out a chuckle as he cranked up the voltage and sent 2 volts of electricity through the wolf.
"I...Infinite." The wolf responded but was met 3 volts put around the neck.
"If you're not careful I will give you the lot." The dominant jackal pointed to the final voltage which was 12 volts.
"M..master Infinite." Gadget squeaked out. His heart racing.
"Good." Infinite smirked. "Now, I command you to go hunt, kill a deer and bring it back here. If you do not deliver, I will shock you so much that you will not want to disappoint me ever again. You will not be allowed to leave the inclusion zone." The sadist jackal teleported the wolf up to the surface.


Up on the surface Gadget looked around, all he had was a cloth covering his genitals and a knife, nothing else. His glasses were on but he had no radio or anything like that since anything electronic would give away his location to Tails's scanners. Luckily Infinite did the smart thing and had made the shock collar untraceable to anyone but him. Gadget then felt the collar charging up so he decided to move, he didn't want to be shocked when he had to concentrate. It was a couple of hours later when he found a deer, but Infinite had shocked him making Gadget yelp out and the deer ran away. This caused gadget to become frustrated and go in the direction the seer went.

2 hours later Gadget managed to kill the deer, Infinite continued to shock him just as he found the deer, this just made him angry, and once he found the deer he got shocked but this time it didn't phase him, he killed the deer quickly so that it didn't go in agony. Infinite then teleported him back down to the secret base and into the kitchen.
"Good, very good. But let me tell you. That wasn't full voltage." The sadist smirked under his mask.

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