And So The Nightmare Continues

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After the fight Gadget was now back under the ground, laying on his hammock he went to sleep. The last few nights have been sleepless, the endless bombs and smoke, the heat of the bunker was out of control it was either very hot and stuffy or cold like the Antarctic. Pulling the thick quilt over himself Gadget then fell asleep.


Gadget woke up to find himself in a dark room, the cold cobbled floor beneath him made him stand up quickly, his glasses were on the floor so he picked them up and put them on. Looking around he then saw a flash of red light, gulping Gadget started to walk backwards, soon a layer of red cubes stopped him in his tracks, he was then trapped in a box of them. His old friends then appeared and a throne with Infinite appeared behind them.

"You coward, you did not try to help your friend out when he needed you most. Which proves that you are a coward, you only care about yourself, but there is a way to redeem yourself." The apparition smirked as it came closer to Gadget and grabbed him by the throat. "Our God. Infinite, never left the battlefield when he teleported, he watched on from a distance. The way that your 'friend' Sonic ran away from you suggests that he doesn't care about you. None of the resistance members do." It smirked, pulling out a knife and put the tip to gadgets neck.

"I..They do care about me." Gadget protested and started to struggle in the strong grip of his friend.
"You're so weak. Pathetic." The friend spoke and slammed Gadgets head to the wall making him bleed. "You wanted to help others? You'll help them by dying." The apparition growled and stabbed Gadget in the throat.


Gadget screamed as he woke up, he was somewhere else now. The scars of the previous nightmare was still fresh, feeling his neck he could feel a scar. Gulping he looked around only to see Infinite in front of him, but he looked different. No helmet and no ruby, there was a group of Jackals behind him.

"Alright lads, we will be stopping here for the night." Infinite said with a smile, he took off a bag from his back at placed it down. It looked like they were going to set up camp for the night.

Gadget was very confused then it suddenly went dark. When it lit up again the Jackals that were behind infinite were in a pile and Infinite was up against a tree and Shadow was in front of him, the dark hedgehog teleported away and left a broken Infinite to mourn over the deaths of his squad. Soon a spear penetrated Gadgets chest and he fell to the floor.


Gadget woke up yet again, another scar appeared on his chest, looking around this was the street where his friends died, gulping he walked around but bumped into a wall of red cubes, Gadget gulped and turned around to see none other than Infinite behind him.

"Do you remember this place?" The Jackal smirked and walked around the trapped wolf. He then pointed to the two bodies on the floor, Gadgets friends were there and the corpses were fresh, blood spewed out of them both. "You know, my innocent little friend. I can stop these nightmares, if you join me. Your knowledge of the resistance will be good for my cause to destroy the weak and build a new empire." Infinite smirked and used a claw to stroke gadgets chin. "You will be highly respected by those under you if you join me. We are part of the same family, jackal and wolf, we are far greater than hedgehogs and echidnas." Infinite smirked and then used red cubes to wrap around Gadgets throat. "All of those resistance members don't care about you, join me. Or you will die." Infinite then broke Gadgets neck swiftly.


Gadget then woke up in his hammock, his scream was loud and sonic ran into the room.
"Gadget, there you are. I thought you died." Sonic sighed in relief.  Then Knuckles walked inside.
"I am disappointed in you wolf." Knuckles growled. "You let all of the crew in here die because you wanted a nap." The echidna slapped Gadget. "You are here by banned from the resistance." He shouted and handed Gadget his things. "Now get out of here." Knuckles yelled and Sonic watched Gadget leave.

Gadget looked at all the bodies in the underground bunker and started to cry, he had never seen such a massacre, all because he wanted some sleep, he felt that it was all his fault. Walking out of the bunker gadget pinched himself and he felt it, he wasn't dreaming.

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