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As Knuckles and Sonic left the holding room, the jackal and wolf held each others hands as they heard the door close. Zero looked to Gadget and sighed softly.
"Out of all the years I had been fighting, nothing had ever scared me this much. This phenomenon has never occurred." The jackal confessed to his lover, for Zero to be scared... that meant that it was a bug deal to him, something that terrifies him to the core. If he is scared then it must be something out of the ordinary and on top of that it must be petrifying, was it the dream that made him think about it?

Gadget brought the jackal into a hug and kissed his cheek gently. "Its ok hun. You're strong, I know you are and you know you are." The wolf tried to reassure him. "I love you." The wolf nuzzled his lover gently.
"I love you too my little wolf." Zero smiled and pulled his lover closer, however the sun was setting, luckily the cell was warm enough so that they both didn't freeze. Getting underneath some cloth that was left out for them, Zero closed his eyes as he held his lover close to him.


It was now night, the two lovers slept peacefully, well, it seemed to be that way. However Zeros eye was twitching, and his breathing was fast, but his lover was a deep sleeper, and that didn't help. Thrashing and turning under the cover Zero looked like he was having a fit. However in his mind it was the opposite, he was chained to a wall, a green glow engulfing the room, it was emerald green but was a low intensity.

"I tell you Infinite. This is a pretty emerald, it almost reminds me of Chao in a way." The figure said with a chuckle, this time it was not in the shape of a hedgehog but in the shape of an echidna, like knuckles. The figure sat upon a throne made of shiny gems and the green emerald was in its hand, a waterfall behind him made of translucent green water. "You see, your pathetic friends had beaten me once. But the second chance will never come, for I am omnipotent." The figure smirked as it stood up and floated in mid air, it then absorbed the emerald and cackled. "This power, I have not felt this in years. Its like a warm feeling that you get when you are with friends." The looked at Zero with a devilish glare.

"W..what are you planning?" Zero asked calmly, but on the inside he felt dread.
"Now now. That would just spoil the fun in all of this now wouldn't it hmm?" The figure floated over to Zero with a playful chuckle. "Besides, I know you're weak, I know your flaws jackal. You failed your squad..." the figure was about to continue when a burst of anger exited the jackal.
"NOW YOU LISTEN HERE!" The jackal yelled in anger. "I AM NOT WEAK, I DID NOT FAIL MY SQUAD." Zero growled at the figure, however this showed his weakness.

"Ahhh, you've just proved my point. Your weakness is losing your temper. And I recall your squad dying, so technically, you did fail them, you couldn't save them. Therefore you failed." The being continued to push on Zeros buttons, if only the jackal had his ruby in the dream world, he would show this figure whose boss. "And now." The figure clicked his fingers and in came a familiar face. It was Gadget, though he was beaten up, scars all over his face and cuffs on his hands, he then kneeled down on a sort of pad, this Gadget had an indent in his stomach showing where the figure had punched him last time.

Landing on the ground, the being lifted his arm and put it on the wolfs head, lifting up the chin of Gadget, the figure looked Zero in the eyes. "Oh this? Just another trophy for my collection." It bared its teeth and with a chop of its blade like hand, Gadgets head came off, blood and gore covered the beings hand. Picking up the head the figure then grabbed a vacant pike and shoved the head down onto it, going up through the wind pipe and up into the brain, blood gushing everywhere, the body of the wolf was stripped and cut up into pieces and put on spikes on the wall. A light came into the room and the figure floated before Zero.

"It seems you are waking up from this nightmare. No matter, as you will only appear again." The figure laughed and left in a flash of light.


Zero woke up in a cold sweat, Gadget was there above him with a worried expression.
"Z..Zero, are you ok? You were screaming." Gadget put a hand on Zeros chest and his heart bas beating quickly. "Y..you look scared." The wolf looked into his lovers eyes, Zero looked back into Gadgets but saw some members of the resistance around.

"I'm fine." Zero said as he stood up slowly, he didn't want to recall the moments of the nightmare.
"Are you sure?" Gadget asked with concern, he stood up and put a hand on Zeros shoulder.
"When was I ever unsure?" Zero asked as he turned around and tilted his head at the wolf.
"O..ok, I was just worried. Thats all." Gadget nodded and hugged Zero. "Well at least you're back to normal."

'Yeah, normal' the jackal thought.


Hello you magnificent beans, guess who managed to make a come back? Its me, yippee. See you guys in the next chapter ^^

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