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Once Infinite had teleported away from the base he appeared in the middle of the city, the ruins were teeming with the faint smell of decomposition and the roots of trees over taking the rubble. Squads of resistance members were patrolling the area, it was like an army had suddenly appeared. Smirking Infinite started to whizz around looking for a perfect area to strike, finding an unsuspecting squad the jackal raced down and used his claws to slash their stomachs and then rip out their intestines, the blood and gore spilling all over him and his helmet, the other squads in the area quickly surrounded him and started to shoot at him. However the ruby made a force field so the bullets were harmless, slashing members of the resistance left right and centre he showed no mercy, he then left one of the Mobians standing.
"I could kill you." The jackal started. "But I'll let you run along." Infinite smirked and teleported away.


Gadget rested on his bed, feeling the fresh scar across his face. He hoped that Infinite would be home soon. Smirking to himself he told himself that he will some how 'fuck up' today. Then with a flash of red Infinite entered the room, he took off his helmet and flung it onto the wolf. The helmet was covered in mud and some blood, he gulped softly as he sat up slowly, he had to figure out a way to fuck up. 'Maybe break one of the lenses? Or even dent the helmet?' He asked himself and hummed but the jackal spoke up.
"What are you waiting for? Clean it. I will be in the bathroom and cleaning myself." Infinite snarled as he walked out of the room.

Standing up. Gadget walked to the table at the side of his room, he then 'accidentally' dropped it which then caused one of the lenses to crack, he then smeared the mud around the helmet to make it look extra dirty, he sat down on his bed and laid down, he then waited for Infinite to come out and punish him severely. Gadget was already thinking about what the jackal would do to him. Whipping, shocking, spanking, being tied up... he couldn't wait any longer.


Inside the bathroom, Infinite was coming out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his torso and his hair. Droplets of water snaked down his toned body and caressing his abs, he wasn't overly muscly nor overly thin, the perfect amount of muscle and flesh on his body. Drying his hair he looked in the mirror, his long hair was sometimes a pain in the arse/ass to dry because of how long it was, he would also be covered in mud and blood most of the time.

Stretched gently and yawning he finished drying his hair and took a hairband and put his hair into a neat bun on the top of his head, looking to the ruby it pulsated gently as it replicated his heartbeat. Using some red cubes he grabbed a bobby-pin and put it in his hair to further secure it. He then continued to dry his slim body. After a couple of minutes or so he grabbed some new gloves and pulled them on, these were like his combat gloves with the sharp claws but the tips of the claws had protective caps on top.


The door to Gadgets room opened and in walked Infinite, hoping to find his clean mask. But when he looked at the helmet he growled and looked to Gadget.
"What did you do to my helmet?" The jackal stormed over to Gadgets bed and pulled him off of the bed and onto the floor.
"I think its an improvement." Gadget put on a nervous face.
"An improvement!?" The jackal yelled at him and turned up the voltage and shocked Gadget who then jolted gently, Infinite then turned Gadgets bed into a plank of wood and strapped the wolf's limbs to the corners and growled as he then continued to shock Gadget.

"I...I'm sorry master." Gadget called out as he was being shocked, luckily he was facing down and there was a hole for his face, the plank was also suspended in the air. He groaned as he felt Infinite spank his arse/ass the bare hand of Infinite striking him fiercely, it was at this point Gadget started to become aroused as the spanking and shocking continued. Soon Infinite used his red cubes to choke Gadget, this was a new one but Gadget didn't mind, he loved being punished by his master.

He then felt a whip on his back, the tip cracking and almost splitting his skin, however that was not the case. Gadget groaned loudly again and again. The pain was becoming pleasurable, this was something that Infinite hadn't noticed yet. Infinite then put a foot on Gadgets back and pulled the fur on the back of his head. To which Gadget moaned.
"If you ever disobey me again. You will feel more than this punishment." Infinite growled and looked at the wolf intensely.
"Y..yes Master." Gadget responded with a groan.

To Be Continued

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