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After Gadget had 'learned his lesson' he was eventually let out of his binds and the wooden plank was turned back into his bed, the jackal had left the poor wolf sore from the punishment, however Gadget didn't mind, the punishment was something he wanted to happen. He just hoped that Infinite wouldn't find out any time soon. The door to Gadgets room opened and in walked Zero, it seems that Infinite went to sleep.
"Gadget?" Zero asked as he sat down next to the crimson wolf. "You awake?" He asked and put a hand on the wolf's shoulder gently.

"Y-yeah?" Gadget looked up at the jackal, the soothing deep voice of the jackal gave tingles to Gadget, Zero was more of a caring being where as Infinite just didn't give a fuck.
"How are you feeling?" Zero asked as he checked over Gadget's smaller form. "Sorry about last night, I think I went a bit too harsh on you." Zero looked down to the floor, clearly ashamed of himself.
"Don't worry about that, I'm fine." Gadget smiled reassuringly and sat up slowly despite the pain, he then hugged the jackal tightly and then heard the purring of the jackal.

'This is no monster' Gadget thought, 'he is just misunderstood.' Gadget sighed and rubbed Zero's back gently. Zero then wrapped his muscular arms around Gadget and pulled him close, Gadget felt tears fall onto his head as the jackal above him sniffed softly.
"Nobody will ever understand my pain like you my wolf." Zero sighed softly as the hug continued, Gadget wiped the tears from Zero's cheeks gently, 'how could a world most dangerous criminal be so soft and loving at the same time?' Gadget asked himself and nuzzled the crook of Zero's neck gently, that was meat with a another soft purr from the jackal.

"Z..Zero? M...may I ask you something?" Gadget asked and looked up at his superior.
"Sure, you can ask me anything." Zero smiled down at Gadget as he sat Gadget on his lap.
"Ever since we have been together..." Gadget bit his lip gently. "I have been having thoughts, these thoughts are feelings I have developed for a certain jackal. Someone powerful but also loving." The wolf looked up at Zero and held Zero's hand gently, blood rushed to Gadgets heart and he started to get butterflies. "And that being is you. W... would you like to go out with me?" Gadget closed his eyes, he was expecting to hear the words no, why would a jackal go out with a wolf?

"I... I can give it a try." Zero responded and stroked the top of Gadget's hand gently. "I will go out with you." The jackal added with a soft smile, he then kissed Gadgets cheek gently.
Gadget was very surprised, but was not complaining. With a wide smile he kissed the jackal back on the cheek, he showed his appreciation by running his hands through the jackals long hair, Gadget had found someone to spend the rest of his days with.

"Thank you for this Zero, I know you've been through hardships and that you don't want to get too attached, but I will make sure that I will do my best to look after you." Gadget smiled and kissed Zero on the lips, Zero froze but kissed back gently, he didn't want to get too into the kiss since he wanted to take things slow in the new relationship they had.

To Be Continued

AN: Been a while since I posted so, here you go. A new chapter.

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