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Song recommendation: Believer- Imagine Dragons 


He had been so close to have his secret revealed. 
And by Park Fucking Jimin of all people.

He came in with his usual swagger now, grinning wildly as the teacher tried his usual threats on him. 
The small boy only shrugged with his shoulders as he strolled to his seat at the very back. 
If that wasn't enough a sign of how little he cared about school, the fact that he didn't even bring anything but himself was. 
His anger boiled up again. 
He hated him. 
Not only because he liked guys and that was against God's will, but because of the way he looked at Jungkook- like he was a game to him: How far can I push Jungkook until he flips out?

Truth was, he had to do absolutely nothing but be in the same room and he felt like punching something. 
Not even the drug taking it's effect, making him feel all light and giddy could fully wash it away. 
He didn't understand it: why this boy got under his skin so easily. Or maybe he did, but that was a truth he would never admit, not even to himself. 

They had been friends once at the beginning of High School and he'd actually liked him. 
The five of them had spend a lot of time together in school and, on the rare occasion his parents allowed it, met up afterwards to chill and just be boys.
Jimin was funny and loving, always caring about others, but even before all of the shit went down he had changed a little. 

He missed school a lot, barely met up with them anymore and smiled less often. He was also agitated easily, like everything annoyed him.
But then he had openly announced he was into boys too, and at the same time, decided their group of friends was no longer enough for him. 

He started going to parties they weren't invited too, sleeping around, drawing an always growing circle of strangers around him. 
The others were still talking to him and he sometimes still deemed it worthy enough to have the infamous Park Jimin honor them with lunch but apart from that, they had gone their separate ways. Lucky for Jungkook. 

It wasn't just that he hated gays and bisexual people- he hated pretentious one's too.
For his friends, he would do anything: even if it meant ruining himself in the process. 
He could no longer see anything of the boy he used to know in Jimin.

"Stop it with the frowning JK, or you'll get wrinkles and look like my grandpa!" Hoseok whispered next to him and only then realized how angry he must have looked. 
He glanced over at the bubbly boy and smiled. 
It was so much easier now.

"Oh, you mean the way you already do, Grandpa Hoseok?" 
"Yah, totally not true! I look as fresh as... a baby tortoise!" 
Jungkook laughed at his friend's weird comparison even as he tried not to get the teachers attention by holding a hand over his mouth. 
Then, muffling through his fingers he fired back: 
"So sorry. I was wrong to call you Grandpa. To be honest, its much more like Grandma Hoseok anyways."

"Hey!" came his response, a little too loud since the teacher shot them a long look. 
Jungkook immediately apologized and went back to concentrating on the subject. 
There came a little snort from the back of the class, and he didn't need to turn around to know which white-haired boy it had come from. 
And boom, just like that, he was mad again. 

For the entire class, it was like he could feel the small boys stare pierce through him and he gripped his pen tighter while trying to ignore it. 
He was on edge, partly because of him, and partly because he felt too much energy in him. He wanted to run for hours and party till dawn- not that he had ever been allowed to go to a party before. 
He was fidgety and clammy all hour and groaned in utter relieve when the bell finally released them. 

He fled the classroom, then realized he still had to wait for the others. 
Jin reached him first and Jungkook playfully hit him, bouncing around him like a bunny on drugs.

"Hey, are you going to teach me that new video game you bought? I'm not allowed to play at home, but maybe I can ask my parents to let me go to your house next week?"
Jin hit him back with a chuckle, as if he was amused by his theatrics. 
"Sure, JK, but only if you promise to let me win. Every game I taught you, you beat me after only a few tries. It's really not fair."
"Promise!" he responded, but then winked. " I still know I'm better than you though." 

Jin let out a noise between incredulity and proudness, just as Namjoon and Hoseok joined their side. 
"Yah, you're being overly enthusiastic again." Jin turned to Namjoon and he could swear he saw his eyes soften the moment he looked at his best friend. 
"We raised him well Namjoon. He's finally coming out of his shell." 
A flicker of guilt cursed through Jungkook. 
How much he wished that was the truth. 
But the feeling was gone in a moment, replaced by the euphoria rushing through his system. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now