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Song recommendations: Sweat- Zayn

Something was up with Jungkook. 

He'd known the second he stepped into school. 

When their eyes met in the hallway, they had lit up as they usually did and his heart jumped up and down like a toddler on a trampoline.
And then that light went out, a shadow falling over his face as he quickly looked away, his cheeks red. 


And while all the Hyungs were chatting away, Jungkook barely listened, keeping his head lowered and worst of all: not meeting his eyes. 
Coldness slithered through him.
Had he done something?
Said something wrong?

But after yesterday, everything should be fine. They had been so incredibly happy.
He could still hear the younger's loud, carefree laughter on the beach and the smile that beamed wider than the sun, filling his heart with more warmth than anything possibly could.
And today: only shadows and darkness. 

Was he feeling empty again? Was he once again trapped in that hollow, carved out hole?
But he knew he could talk to him about it- talk to the Hyungs too.
He promised. He swore he would tell them when he was feeling like that again. 

And yet, he seemed lost in his own mind, his eyebrows drawn into a constant frown.
And he just wouldn't look at him. 
Jimin's mood sank even more when class started and all he could see was the nervous, fiddling boy with the black hair.
Something was definitely up. 

He tried to concentrate on class, but it just wouldn't work.

He glanced to his left where Yoongi usually sat.
It felt weird to look there.
He didn't think he ever had. 

Just like everybody else, he had not once thought about the silent, black haired boy.
Guilt and shame filled him.
How was it that no one ever bothered to talk to him or befriend him?
Not even the teachers seemed to pay him any attention. 

When attendance was called, he heard the teacher call Yoongi's name, and without looking up, marked his name with a check and went on. 
Even though Yoongi wasn't here today. 
Neither was Hoseok. 

He had texted them last night, saying he was going to look after the small boy and would not be in school. They all offered their help, but Hoseok had declined, saying it was hard enough for Yoongi to deal with one person and he wanted him to take it slow.
To help Yoongi get used to people watching him, seeing him and then maybe, they could meet and Jimin would fall to his knees and thank him for saving Jungkook that day.
He owed him at least that much. 

He had not only saved him, but brought them together.
Even though...
Not once had the younger turned around to glance at him. 
Not once had he even acknowledged his existence today. 
His irritation grew. 
What was going on?

The bell rung. 
He hurried out after Jungkook, who, at the first sound of the bell, had stormed out the room...

...and headed directly for the auditorium. 

Falling a little behind, he made sure no one followed them- then slipped into the opened door and found the younger leaning against the curtain on the wall. 
His heart made a little loop in his chest. 

Even just leaning still against the wall, Jungkook was the most stunning, beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
Slowly he made his way up to him. 

The younger didn't look up. Jimin felt cold and hot all over.
What was going on?
Gulping hard he raised his head to look up at him. 

"Dove? What is wrong? You've been ignoring me all day."
He couldn't help the hurt in his voice. And to his shock, Jungkook flinched- flinched!
And then squeezed his eyes together as if Jimin being here was hurting him. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now