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Song recommendation: Pretty Savage-- Blackpink 

She leaned back in her chair, her legs resting on the desk while she drowned her ears with loud music.

She was watching the snow curling outside the window, calming her usually raging heartbeat these days.

Everything she had done those past weeks had been new and exciting and thrilling. How had she ever survived without theses things?
How had she believed she'd wanted pretty, prink dresses and a boyfriend who would have probably thought sleeping with her would be a chore?

She loved sex.
The pleasure and the way you could get so totally lost in someone else's body.
She loved parties and dancing until you were sweaty and breathless, the alcohol making you laugh and spin and yes, it also led you to make stupid decisions, but even those she loved.
Loved that it was okay to make mistakes and not feeling like the entire world was about to come crushing down because of them. 

She loved the friends she made.
Rosé was absolutely gorgeous, generous and sweet.
And though it was ironic, she now lived together with two lesbians, Jenni and Jisoo, who adored each other but fought like wildcats sometimes and you best made sure you were nowhere near when they got at it. Or when they made up afterwards...

But they were the ones who had found here that night, drunk and passed out in the massive garden of some stranger's party.
The night were her parents rules and punishment for breaking up with Jungkook had choked her.
The had locked her in, no food, no water for three days.

And when she'd been starved and dehydrated, he parents had unlocked the door to ask her if she repented.
Her answer was to spit in their faces and leave.
She hadn't been back since then and wasn't planning to.

It would be their choice.
Either they could pretend the didn't have a daughter, or they could try and get her to come back.
But if they did that, they would find out just what a nasty bitch she could be.
She'd accepted that about herself. Owned it now- that snappy side of herself she'd never shown anyone but perhaps Jungkook.

That feeling of relieve as she'd stepped out of that house...
Had Jungkook felt like that when he met Jimin?

She shut the thought down.
She didn't want to think about him- or about the small, white haired boy.

The guilt was too heavy, tasting of coal and slime and acid.

She continued starting out the window, hands crossed in front of her chest.
That is until she felt the soft pressure on her shoulders.

Her head snapped around and she nearly fell from the chair as she saw who it was.

The boy looked down at her with a calm, waiting expression.

Just waiting- for her to take out her earphones she realized.
She didn't want to.
Truth was, this boy in front of her was one of the most scary people she knew.
Others whispered his name quietly, the fear yet fascination surrounding him like mist.

But when he only kept looking down at her, she reached up and took them out.

"Detention again?" He only said with slightly raised eyebrows.
There was no anger in him- no judgment like that day, only a friendly half-smile and calm expression.

She swallowed hard, looked down and tried to find that snappy part of herself.
But as usually, it was incredibly hard for her when talking to Yoongi.

She looked up at him again.
It was such a contrast.
His face was exquisite: cute nose, tilted eyes, soft lips and all of it crowned by his black hair.
Yoongi was probably one of the cutest looking people she knew, and yet those eyes... there was a razor sharp mind behind that innocent face.

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now