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Song recommendation: Never be Alone- Shawn Mendes

! Mentioning of domestic abuse !

No matter what position he lay in, his entire body hurt. There was so much pain.
He'd been so close to take one of those Demerol pills he took from Jungkook, but that would feel like a betrayal. 

He had worked so hard to get Jungkook to stop, knowing the consequences and side effects of the painkillers, he just couldn't take them. And as twisted as it was, he liked the pain. It tuned everything else out. 

When he had seen his mother's black eyes last morning, he snapped. 
If Han-Gyeol hurt him, so be it- but his mother? He just couldn't stand it. 

She tried to stop him as he walked to the garage, he face pale and worried. 
"Just let it be, Jimin. It wasn't his fault. I just fell at work. Don't provoke him. "

Lies. Defending him. Always defending him. When would it ever be Han-Gyeol's fault? Why was his mother so bend on protecting and defending him? Why was she still with a piece of shit like that? 

But he knew the reason, which is why he barged into that garage, fully knowing what would happen. 

It had been Jimin's father who messed up his mother, leaving her with a broken heart and a baby to take care of when she was only sixteen. Love had ruined her. And even when she moved on, she still had to see Jimin's face everywhere she looked, a mirror of his father's to remind her. 

Jimin knew that part of her despised him for it and maybe that was the reason she didn't go after him- didn't stop him even if she knew very well what would happen.
They both did.
But if there was one thing the small boy knew, it was that Han-Gyeol was a bully and got off on hurting others.
Rather it be him than his mother.
Jimin already felt guilty enough for being born and making it so hard for her. 

Han-Gyeol had looked up from under his old Chevrolet he was working on, an annoyed expression on his face to be interrupted. 

"You think hitting woman makes you a man? You are nothing but a piece of shit, you sick, twisted bastard!"

His step father's face darkened as he rolled up from under the car, rising to his full height while holding a tool wrench in a tight grip. Jimin took half a step back, but didn't back down, glaring at the monster living in his house. 

"What did you call me, boy?" 

Jimin started shaking against his will, fully aware he already sealed his fate. But knowing it also gave him the courage to stand up straighter, probably the last time for a while, as he pronounced the words loud and clear, so that even an imbecile like Han-Gyeol would understand. 

"I said: You are a Sick. Twisted. Bastard!" 

His step-father's face changed.
He smiled. 
An ugly, cruel, twisted smile that promised nothing but pain.
The tool wrench dangled from his grip lazily.

"Oh, Jimin. No wonder your real father wanted nothing to do with you. You have no manners. Lucky for you, I see it as my duty as your step-father to teach you."

He took as step forward.

Jimin didn't even have time to throw up his hands to protect his body when his world exploded in pain. 


A hiss escaped him when he turned once more. 
The cold breeze of the evening night that blew in through the open window did nothing to sooth the burning pain. 

He would have to miss at least three days of school. There was no way he could cover what had been done to his face with make up, nor could he possible walk three steps out his door without doubling over in pain yet. 

He must have dozed off in between the waves of pain, because he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulders. 
He jerked up in fear. 

It couldn't be... no one ever came to his room.

His half brother only sought him out when he needed something and his mother found every excuse possible to not have to look at him and see his father. 
So that only left his step-father, who sometimes stumbled in drunk and half passed out to either hurt him with his words or his his fist- often both. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now