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Song recommendation: Lost without You- Freya Ridings 

He hated the sounds.
The beeping of the machines, the deep vibration of the ventilator, the occasional drops of the fluids and painkillers as they hit the bottom of the little vile, then disappeared into the tube. 

He hated the smell.
The scent of the disinfectant, the sharp sting of it tearing and blurring his already swollen eyes. 
The chemical mixture of the medications giving him a headache. 

He hated the color of the wall. 
A light blue that tried to imitate a cloudless sky but was nothing but a lie.  

But what he hated the most was seeing the boy in the massive white bed. 

So still. 
So silent. 
His skin was pale, the bruises and cuts standing out like dirt on snow, his inky black hair making him look like a ghost.
A large tube disappeared into his parted mouth- the only reason he was still breathing. 

Other tubes ended in needles, piercing his skin, the medication easing his pain, the fluids keeping him hydrated. 

His strong, fearless dove, so small in the massive bed, so still and unmoving except for the slight rise and fall of his chest. 
But barely. 

"You should get some sleep Jimin." 

He didn't turn at the voice even though he knew it was Yoongi. 
"I can't"

His voice was still rough and broken.

When Jungkook had passed out- when he had tumbled lifeless to the floor and Jimin saw the blood- so much blood... 
He had screamed. 

He had yelled at Jungkook to wake up, to open his eyes, to tell him he loved him again. 
He'd screamed so wretchedly, he had damaged his vocal cords but kept on hugging him, shaking him, stroking his face- that beautiful face.

He hadn't heard the Hyungs storm the cottage, hadn't seen their expressions or wondered how they knew to come there. 

He had only kept screaming at Jungkook to wake up, hugging his large, still body as the blood soaked his fingers, his shirt, got into his hair and his face. 
So much blood. 
And still he kept screaming. 

Kept wailing and crying and tearing at Jungkook, shaking him, not wanting to accept it. 
He had to be fine. He had to be. 
And then he had passed out himself, waking up several times but never for long. 

It was nothing but broken, scattered memories now. 

A car driving. 
The other's shouting, crying too.
Jin driving at a mindboggling speed.

Only later he found out they had called an ambulance, then drove after them to Seoul National Hospital where they brought Jungkook, not sure if he would make it. 
There had been too much blood. 

When they arrived, Jungkook was already in surgery and there had been nothing they could do, so they had made a doctor check up on Jimin. 
And when he had kept screaming with hose broken vocal cords that sounded like someone was dying, kept trying to get out of that bed, to go to Jungkook, someone had jabbed a needle in his arm and everything had turned dark. 

He had woken up in a world that held nothing but pain. 

He had a slight concussion, two broken ribs and his arm was splintered in two spots.
The first time they had allowed him into this room, he had broken down sobbing when he saw Jungkook lying there, only the machines keeping him alive. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now