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Song recommendations:  Before You Go- Lewis Capaldi 
                                                     Bruises- Lewis Capaldi 

!!Trigger warning: Sexual abuse/ domestic abuse!!

"You will end this, Jimin. Today."

He glowered at her in the dim, empty classroom she had dragged him to.
"The hell I will. You think you have a right to him? You think you can decide what he's allowed to feel and what not?"

Lisa only inspected her nails, looking unbothered.
She was such a bitch!
How could Jungkook stand her?
Yes, she was pretty, but behind that angelic face hid a slithering snake.

"I'm not discussing this. Jungkook is mine. Always has been and always will be. You think your little fooling around with him will change that?" She laughed, clear and bright, sending shivers down his spine.

She had no idea! What he and Jungkook had was special.
He loved him. He was his everything. 

She clicked her tongue as if she could see his inner monologue played out on his face.

"Okay. How about this? Let's play a little what if game. The first is easy.
If you end this disgusting thing between you two now, Jungkook will be hurt, but he'll get over it. I'll be there to catch him and comfort him. And if you think he's not into girls, puh-" she let out a sigh, flipping her back while fanning her face.

"You should have been there when he kissed me last night. I never felt such... passion. I didn't even think he could be like that. He does that thing where he waits until you have to breath and then just takes it right away when he sucks your lower lip, right? Like he even wants to control your breathing."

His body chilled.
Yes... yes that's what he did...

"So don't worry about that part. If he were truly gay, he wouldn't have kissed me like that. And when we get married, we will have a large wedding with happy, proud and successful parents. The world will lay to his feet. He can get into the best university, study whatever he wants, never having to worry about money or reputation or his future.
And we'll have children- have you ever seen Jungkook with children?
He gets so excited and cute, like a little bunny hopping around. I will give him that and more.
I CAN make him happy."

He shook his head, trying to get out the image she was creating. No- Jungkook wasn't like that. Maybe he did enjoy the kiss, but he wanted to be with him.... they belonged together!

Lisa pursed her lips, her smile widening.
"Now. Let's get to what happens if you don't break it up."

"I wont!" He yelled back, trying to keep this from shattering him, trying to keep his dove.

"Tell me, Jimin. How much do you love him?"
He pressed his lips together in a tight line.
It was a leading question. She knew exactly how he felt about Jungkook.

"What if you don't end it? Shall we?"
Her eyes were hart and cold, shimmering only with the triumph she held in her hands. 

"First, I will go to his parents. My word weighs more than even their sons. I'm like an angle to them. And if by some miracle they don't believe me...I will show them this."

She pulled out her phone and turned the screen to him.
He tumbled back, hitting a desk hard as his eyes widened in utter horror.

It was a video showing him and Jungkook in the auditorium just now.

His pants were pooled around his ankles, his body heaving up and down as Jungkook's hands undid him, holding him against the wall as he gave him a hand-job.

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now