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Song recommendation: Dynamite- BTS
                                                  Young- Sam Smith

For two weeks, he barely left Jungkook's side. 

Jimin had wanted to make it easier for the younger and suggested keeping a little bit of distance in school so the drama about them would ebb down. 
But the first day they walked into school, Jungkook had taken his hands into his and stared everybody down who even glanced their direction. 

There had been nearly two fights Jungkook started when he overhead other's talking shit about Jimin and he's only backed down when Jimin had begged him to. 
And even though he told him he didn't mind their talk and gossip, he couldn't help but feel protected and safe. 

The others were no less protective and very quickly, the other students started to realize they didn't want to mess with their group.
Especially Yoongi earned himself a respected and almost feared reputation. 

No matter who, Yoongi knew their secrets and their hidden self's, and he wasn't afraid to use it as a weapon if they wanted to hurt his friends or his boyfriend. 

Their growing reputation led to a quick ebbing away of the gossip and whispers and things returned to a halfway normal routine.
Except of course that Jungkook had not gone home.
He stayed at Namjoon's garage and so had Jimin.

Jimin himself had gone home only twice, checking in on his mother and brother while Han-Gyeol wasn't at home, and only in Jungkook's company. 

They were both fine and Huening-Kai had almost immediately decided Jungkook was his new favorite person in the world. 
And then he had seen the truth Lisa mentioned with his own eyes. 

Jungkook was absolutely adorable with children.  
His entire face lit up, playing with his little brother, making him laugh and giggle while the broadest, wildest smile was on his own face. 

Jimin watched them for a long time, his heart beating heavily in his chest.
He wanted this with Jungkook. He wanted it all.

A life, a family, a future. And he would fight for that until his last breath.
To give him everything Lisa had told him she could give him. 
Everything except proud and happy parents. 
He couldn't give him that. 

Jungkook had barley spoken or mentioned them, but he knew it weighed heavily on his heart. 
His mother had been moderately fine.
She looked tired and hollowed out, but there were no bruises on her and no sign of any other harm, so he had left again, staying with Jungkook. 

And boy, did the other keep him occupied. 
It seemed Jungkook had a lot of catching up to do in the sex department. 

The first week, the other's had teased him relentlessly about his slightly crooked walk and the face he made while sitting down.
And Jungkook had been cocky enough to wink at them and say: "And this is me going easy."

The coffee he had been drinking came out of his nose and mouth while staring at him incredulously.
It always surprised him when he spoke so openly and easily about it, like he had always been this confident and naughty. 
And then the Hyung's had thrown their head back and laughed until they lay choking and breathless on the floor. 

Meanwhile Jimin had not been able to stop blushing, thinking of all the ways Jungkook was definitely not holding back anymore- and how addicted he had gotten to it. 

And they had gained one more member to their little group. 

Seo-Joon was not just easy going and fun, but also madly in love with Taehyung, reading his every wish from his lips and stopping at nothing to make him happy. He couldn't have been happier for his Ex-boyfriend if he tried. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now