Part 23: Family Fortune.

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(Two days later)

I woke up, the sounds of alarm clocks ticking in my head and the feelings of guilt and sadness built up inside me. Renee was already in my room, sitting in the corner, she looked stressed.

'Morning Nat.'

'Good morning Renee.. well not such a good morning, is it?' I trailed off, getting quieter as I finished my sentence.

'No it's not.. but we need to keep a positive mind, he would've wanted it that way.'

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say or do in this situation. Elliot soon walked in and looked at us both, trying to keep his signature smile on.

'Okay people we have a few hours until we go, so let's get suited up and ready.' He said to both of us, in a smiley tone. And we both smiled back as best we could.

'I need to do something, Renee feel free to.. wonder in here if you want to.'

'I will. I don't want to be anywhere near Elliott.'

'What have I done now?!'

'Brainwreck, ring any bells?'

The room went silent and I walked out, going to another room further down the hall.

Knock, knock.

'Come in!' A whispering voice spoke on the other side of the door.

I walked in to a bright pink room, filled with stars on the wall and a pinkish red wardrobe.


Ajay jumped up from the chair next to the door and hugged me, she had clearly been crying from the sight of her eyes and her voice.

I hugged her back and she slowly cried into my shoulder, her emotions getting the better of her for one of the very few times I had seen. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

'What can I help ya with?' She said, sniffling.

'I came to see if you were okay.. if you were ready for today.'

'Truth be told with ya Nat, I have never felt worse.'

'Me neither Ajay..'

We sat for a moment in silence, and soon our feelings got the better of us. I started tearing up as I remembered a few of our last months together.


I lay on Octavio, his chest made for a nice pillow. We watched the tv as we cuddled, something useless nonetheless.


'Yes Octy?'

He went silent for a moment, almost as if he was thinking his question over in his head.

'If we do go back to the games, we stay married right?'

'Of course silly!

He stayed silent for a moment and I started to dread what he was thinking, was he going to ask for a divorce if we ever...

'That's good.. I got worried that we would have to hide it because of the games!'

'Oh, no we don't, you shouldn't worry Octy, the games won't start back up for a while!'

(Present day)

I started to cry, Ajay offered me comfort and I took it, hugging and crying into her shoulder.

'I'm sorry..'

'Don't be Nat, it's okay!'

'We.. we were planning to have kids..'

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