Part 11

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(Mystery POV)

I stood, about to leave the derelict building I stood in, I checked if my knife had rusted at all and it hadn't. Then I remembered, I took off my shirt and stood in the mirror, no wounds, just slight scarring.

I was shocked, and surprised, I had been nearly killed and yet there were no wounds...

My head felt dizzy and I felt faint, I didn't know what was going on.

I ran out of the building, into an alleyway. The tall buildings that surrounded each side of me spelt out trouble, so I ran, towards the nearest light. As I ran, my surroundings became more and more familiar, until I came onto the main street and realised where I was.

I was still on the island that we had the vacation on. I realised slowly that I didn't know how to get back, and then I saw the hotel in the distance.

I started running again, going towards the building in the distance, it didn't take me long to reach the door.

As I opened, the woman on receptions mouth dropped. She rushed over and grabbed me, helping me to walk even though I didn't need it.

'Are you okay? We heard what happened and everyone thought you were dead.'

'I am okay, but I need a way home Amiga,'

'We can sort that for you, for now you can relax in the bar. We will get you home Mr Silva.'

(Steven POV)

'I had a call, from the island that we had that vacation on. They're sending us a package, be here in around Six hours.' Natalie said as we stirred around in the lounge area of the apartment complex. I looked around at the others reactions, and shrugged, guessing it was something that they lost. I smiled at Ajay, as I noticed her starring at me, she smiled back slightly.

The room felt off, like there was an unaddressed issue in the room. Then it hit me, 'Ramya told you all, didn't she?' I asked, as I was sat with the few legends that couldn't attend the meeting in the bar, and one by one they nodded.

'Ya she did, Don't mean we won't help though.' Ajay said, and I smiled to her again, she returned it.

The room still felt weird, adn I couldn't figure out why. Natalie walked out whilst I was in thought, and she didn't come back in for a few minutes. Ajay looked down, solemn in herself, even Crypto was sat glumly.

'What's happened? Why are you all so sad?' I asked, and Ajay looked up.

'We all heard a rumour, hopin it was true.'

'What was it Ajay?'

'That Silva was alive. But it isn't true, it can't be...'

'He meant a lot to all of you.. didn't he?'

'Yeah, especially to Natalie.' Crypto jumped in with this comment, making us all go silent. I stood, realising I needed air and walked down the hallway to the way up to the roof. I got through the door and walked up, looking upon the horizon.

I sat, and then lay down, starring at the sky. Soon, a voice emerged. 'Are ya alright Steven?' I heard, and I sat up and turned, seeing Ajay stood there against the wall.

'Yeah, just needed air, guess I got caught up.'

'Ya sure?'

'Yeah, are you?'

'No, I'm not.. I had hope Silva was really alive.'

'I know, I think all of us did..' I got up, she was crying. I walked up to her and put my arms around her, she cried heavily into my shoulder.

'It's okay, Ajay. I'm here.'

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