Chapter 5: Uncovered

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I stood and looked as Wattson weeped into Renee's chest. 'Wait, as in Octavio Silva? My informant?' I questioned as Elliot shushed me, he nodded and then went back to comforting Wattson. 'Holy crap... that's why he's been MIA...' I stated, as I uncovered the dark truth in my head as too what had happened.

(Time skip.)

'Well, Michael came into the games for about Four days, he stayed in ya room and he became close to Natalie. He then had some of the legends, actually all of us, kidnapped. He then strapped Octavio to a chair and...' Ajay cut herself off as tears flowed from her eyes onto her Rosy cheeks. I offered her a hug which she took as she weeped into my shoulder, soon she stopped and she looked at me. 'I know I barely know ya Renegade, but ya need to understand that Octavio meant a lot to everyone. He may have been ya informant but ya need to tell us what he did! And how he helped ya.' She stated.

I stood, looking back at her as I leant against the door of her room, 'I understand, me and him have known each other since he was the reckless fool who blew himself up in the gauntlet. I knew him from when I was in town and I heard about him, I then waited at a bar for him to turn up, which he did eventually. He had robotic legs now though and I had doubts over him. But over a few drinks he proved to be trustworthy, so when the simulacrum arrived, he told me. I knew that the assassin wasn't a human, he climbed a fricking skyscraper. I met up with him at least a month ago, he seemed okay and he was talking about that Wattson girl, he seemed obsessed. But he told me what I needed to know and that's why I'm here.'

Ajay looked back at me with shock, she then nodded and smiled back at me. 'Tell me, did ya enjoy knowing him?' I nodded at her question, and she then turned her face to a serious look. 'Then we need ya help.' Was all she said as she shooed me out her room, and I looked at the newest addition to the headquarters. A massive board that told us about next matches and training prohibitions. The next match was scheduled for Two days away, giving me time to focus on improving my aim.

I approached Bangalore from behind and tapped her right shoulder, she turned and stood in a stance only a soldier would. 'Captain.' I said and she smiled, 'Sergeant 1st class, rookie.' I nodded and smiled, she then sat back down. 'Have you got time to give me pointers later? Aim wise, your the best marksman here, or does Ramya beat you?' I teased and she looked at me with fury behind her eyes, then a smile approached from the corners of her lips. 'I'll meet you at the training area Rookie. 1400.' I nodded and looked at my watch, it was already 17:30. 'I hope you didn't mean today, cause I may have missed it.' I said and she smirked slightly, then continued to talk to Makoa. I walked away and walked out of the door, leaving for the night.

I walked down the streets, a few people looked at me funny as I remembered I still had my arena gear on. I smiled underneath my helmet as I pressed on, I approached the door to the bar and burst through it.

'A glass of whiskey, whichever is the strongest.' I said to the MRVN that was serving the bar whilst Elliot flirted with all the women around the bar. 'Careful friend! This is a sipping whiskey!' The MRVN said as it handed me my drink, and I laughed as I took a sip. I watched Elliot do his thing for a while, I ended up drinking at least Four glasses of this whiskey before I went over to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder as I stumbled next to him, 'Ah ladies! This is Renegade, the newest of all of us, and second coolest, haha wink!' He said as the two laughed, I put my helmet down on the table. 'Can I sit down next to you?' I asked the one and she nodded, moving up for me as I sat, then Elliot sat across from me and we talked for hours.

(Time skip: 3 Hours.)

I checked my watch, and could faintly make the numbers out through my drunk haze, 21:30. I stood, falling over slightly as they laughed at me. 'Right, I'm going, it's late and I'm way too drunk to stay.' As I grabbed my helmet Elliot grabbed my hand and begged me to stay, so I did, I stayed and talked with the two ladies and Elliot until early morning.

We talked about the games, where we thought we were going next, everything about me, at least all the public information.

But one thing kept on the back of my mind, someone had to know who Michael was and where he is. I had to find out, for myself, for Octavio.

For the Apex Legends.

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