Part 16: New Beginnings

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(Caustic POV)

'What did we tell you, Nox.' He slammed his fist on the table as I sat in my chair, shaking.

'Look, Sir, I tried but I couldn't do it!' I spoke words of truth, he smirked.

'Well let me tell you, after the games having a hiatus because of Worlds edge, we've found a new arena. Olympus.'

My face turned a milky white, we hadn't had a game in at least Six months. 'Sir, with all due respect..'

'YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK NOW ALEXANDER!' He yelled, and I shut my mouth, he smirked again and turned towards the black wall behind him.

His white hair and beard were his most distinct features, anyone in the games or who knew about the games knew who he was.

'I asked you to kill Octavio, Loba and Steven. You got one out of Three. I asked you to do this because you are the only one of them wicked enough to do this. Octavio knew too much about our plans with Revenant, and Loba was helping him.'

'I know this, Sir.'

'Then you need to get the job done, or should we get someone else to do this? Let me show you.'

A white bodied simulacrum walked in, and she looked towards me.

'Ash..?' My voice shook, she just seemed to be there. A whole bodied person instead of what the others told that they had come across..

(Octane POV)

'Hey Chica? Come here quick..' I said, as I starred at the letter in my hand, I couldn't lie, I was scared.

'What's up Octy?' She said as I handed her the letter, I watched as she read it and then her face went pale.

'But.. this can't be right, OLYMPUS?!' She screamed and started to shake, her face going a white and her eyes tearing up. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

'It's okay, Natalia, I got you. It'll be okay, the games take us with it! And we get to take some things..' I tried calming her down but she wouldn't calm, her eyes still seemed teared up. I held her tighter.

'What's wrong?' I asked.

'I don't want the games to continue yet... I want to stay as this little family for longer Octy!'

'I know chica, I know.'

'And we also have to see him again.'

And then it hit me, I'd have to look at caustic again and act like he was normal. That nothing had happened.

'Naty, go pack your stuff okay? I need to go talk to mi hermano,'



(Caustic POV)

They now both stood in front of me, and I couldn't help but feel anxious.

'Now, Nox, I'm putting Ash into the games, along with the other new legend. Your going to Olympus and you both will work together behind closed doors to take down these Two. And another person on top of that.'


'Octavio, Loba and Natalie.'

'No, I can't do that, I made a promise..'


I shook, and nodded.

'Okay, looks like it's me and you then Ash.'

'Indeed it is, Nox. Let's not disappoint Blisk.'

'No, let's hope you both don't disappoint me.'

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