Chapter 1: The First of Many

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I woke up, realising I was still fully clothed and not even in my bed. I looked to the wall for a clock but there didn't seem to be anything there, so I looked at my wrist. 5:17PM, I thought to myself as I prepared to go outside to see if I was allowed to make myself something to eat.

Once I reached my door, a figure knocked on it, I opened to find a man with a weird curl on the front of his face. 'Ah you must be Renegade. Well I'm Elliot, but the fans and the ladies call me Mirage.. at least I think they do.' He said as I nodded to him, he seemed to want more of answer, 'Yeah I'm Renegade,' I said, as I brushed past him to go get myself food. He followed me and we walked to the lounge/kitchen area in total silence, the only noise, the tapping of our feet against the floor.

Once we arrived I saw a tall, chubby guy cooking at the stove. 'I'll take the lead on this, alright newbie, this is Makoa, his ring name is Gibraltar.' Elliot said as he pointed towards the man, he then pointed towards a blue robot, 'That's pathfinder, very friendly, he tends to get on my nerves,' he said the last part in a somewhat whisper. 'Then you've got Natalie, Crypto and Revenant which I'm told you've already met.' I nodded and he looked at the door, as he did, a woman walked in with a messy ponytail and white eyes, she starred straight at me and I felt her seeing into my soul. 'Your Renegade. I'm Wraith, or Renee.' She said as she walked past and went to what I assumed was her room. 'She's not much of a talker, then you have Che, who's Lifeline. Also Nox over there, who's Caustic, I suggest you call him Caustic as he only lets Natalie call him Nox.' I nodded as he went through the legends one by one, then, a familiar face walked in. The laces half way up her legs gave it away instantly. 'Loba?!' I exclaimed as she looked at me with the same shock, everyone went silent as she starred at me, 'Steven?! What the hell are you doing here!' She stated back at me with a snakes hiss behind her tone.

I looked back at her as she sighed, 'Just stay the hell away from me.' She said as she barged past me, knocking me into Elliot. 'What's her problem?' Elliot said and I shrugged, 'I don't know, but I have a pretty good idea.' I went towards her room as Elliot tried to slow me but I pushed him away, I knocked on her door.

'Come in.' She said.

'Look, I know you don't like me, but I'm in the games now, can we just get on?!' I stated as I walked in, she turned in the white chair she had in the corner of her room, she starred back as she held her fist clenched. 'I don't like you, Steven, Renegade. How stupid do you think these guys are? You think they'll help you?!' She shouted towards me, and I simply went speechless. 'I'm not here for help, I have wanted to join this team since I last saw you, don't get in my way.'

I walked out and slammed the door, then walked to my room. I didn't want to talk to any of them, I wanted to distance myself as the first match was tomorrow and it was a solo. But deep down I knew I would have to find confinement inside the legends.

I knew I had made a choice too fast, but I joined a family that was clearly in disrepair, and I needed to know why.

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