Part 21: What could've been

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(Octane POV)

'Guys.. don't shoot.' I pleaded, but they just laughed.

'Come on mate how long have you been in the games? I've been here 3 months and I don't even use that excuse.' Rampart said as she raised a wingman towards my head, and I spoke a prayer in my head. One thing I hadn't done in a very long time.

(Flashback 10 years)

Me and Che stood, looking over an open landscape which we called the Barrens.

It was really called Bonzai Plaza, and it was soon to be turned into a skyscraper like no other in the city.

'How was ya birthday anyway Silva?'

'It was good hermana, thank you for bringing me back to this rooftop!'

'Ya know we aren't meant to be up here,' Che said with a bit of a paranoid voice. I laughed at her and she let out a slight laugh, I was a hit too loud however.

'OI! IS THAT YOU AGAIN OCTAVIO!' I heard a man yell, and I knew exactly who it was. 'What's up Mr J?!' I shouted back down, we were stood on top of his restaurant, which was at least 15 feet off the ground.

'I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO UP THERE YOU LITTLE..' His words trailed off as we legged it to the other side of the roof. The ladder we used to get up was there.

'God damn it Silva, what have I told ya about getting us into these mess's!'

'Chill hermana we'll be fine!'

We went down the ladder, only to be caught by Mr J on the other side, he had his arms crossed.

'How many times do I have to tell you to keep off my roof!'

'Mr J come on it's my birthday!'

'I don't care Octavio, I'm calling your dad.'

'No don't call my pops!'

(Present day)

Rampart had her gun still aimed at my head, I looked up at her. I removed my goggles slightly so she could see my teared up eyes.

'Wait your serious aren't ya mate?'

'Yeah I am amiga.'

'Why can't we shoot? I swear if this is one of your tricks Octane.' Elliot said as he lowered his weapon, making his confused face, he then looks at wraith.

'The voices, are they warning you?'

'No... nothing.'

I looked up at Elliot, who came over. He grabbed my arm and looked at it, specifically my underarm.

'He has no respawn..'

'What? How?!' Rampart blurted out, as she came over.

'They turned it off..'

'Who's they?'

'The games runners, syndicate.'

I looked at the three of them as they perplexed over my arm, they all seemed to believe me.

I shook Elliot's hand off my arm as I picked up my G7

'Octane, get Wattson up, you still got time to revive her.' Wraith told me, and I did just that, reviving her as they continued speaking.

'So if they turned his respawn off, there has to be a reason.' Wraith spoke.

'There is... I mean there surely is!' Elliot said, and he looked around for cameras.

'What if they syndicate was in on what happened? You know with Steven?'

'We.. we didn't think of that compadre.'

'How do we get out of this situation? Octane can't die which means he has to win.'

'Yeah we know that Elliot.'

'Well I'm just saying Renee!'

'Well don't, it's not helping!'

'Okay you two clearly have some issues to resolve Ay amigos? Can we just get out of this situation before you kill each other?'

I began walking away, Natalie started to Revenant her shield now with a shield battery.

'Hey! What are we meant to do?' Elliot asked, and I turned around and shrugged.

'Try get killed, compadre I don't want to die fully!'

'Okay... sure.'

We went down the rope on the skyscraper down to the lobby, there were only us, Elliot's squad and one other. The last squad was crypto and pathfinder.

We walked out of the building, keeping an eye out as the ring closed around the plaza area. The silence in the air was quickly filled with the sounds of frantic gunfire from above.

'That's Elliot's squad fighting Crypto's, let's go!' Natalie exclaimed as we ran back in and jumped up the zip line. We went straight to the top and looked, pathfinder and crypto were left standing, Elliot, Renee and Ramya were unsuccessful at killing them.

'Path, lookout!' I heard Crypto yell as Natalie rushed him, shooting at him with her Flatline. He pumped a peacekeeper shot into her and she fell, he was nearly knocked though.

I finished path and knocked him, then it was just me and crypto. I rushed crypto and unloaded into him with my secondary, a Volt. He fell, and I quickly finished him, thinking he has the gold resurrection shield.

'Octy! Watch out!'

Pathfinder punched me and knocked me to the ground, then he aimed his peacekeeper at my head.

'Looks like you lost friend. Hey it must be my birthday!'

(Wattson PoV)

'OCTY NO!' I yelled as pathfinder shot him multiple times with the peacekeeper, my vision quickly blacked out.

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