Part 15

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(Octavio POV)

I watched as blood spilled from Steven's lifeless corpse, he had already bled so much that the bullets fired from Caustic finished him. I looked at Caustic, and he looked at me, now pointing the gun at me.

'You watch me kill Steven, Renegade. A man built on such a lie that he built around himself that it swallowed him whole. He told Elliot some things about you, Octavio, dark things from your past. He admitted that you have a problem, that you knew.'

His words cut through me like knives, my face, visibly angry.

'You build yourself on lies too Octavio. You lied to Natalie, the entire time you two were together, was it lust or love?'

The words he spoke, snapped me, I ran at him. He tried to fire but his clip was empty, I grabbed his gun and got it out of his hand. He lashed out, punching my face twice and breaking my goggles. I punched him back, clawing at his eye and breaking his tooth.

The commotion must have got the attention of the others, as Makoa came back and saw us fightinh. He came over and seperated it, grabbing Caustic and pushing him back. Anita soon came and saw what had happened.

'Stop Che from coming down here, she can't see this.' She said, and it clicked in my head. Che and Steven were dating.. and I wasn't annoyed by her choice for once, instead I approved.

I stood and looked on at the mess that was in front of me, Steven's lifeless body, Caustic being pinned to the floor by Gibraltar and being apprehended, Anita trying to check for any sign of life..

The surroundings got to me, the corpse of my friend, the tension between legends. I walked up the stairs and out, seeing Ajay leant against the wall.

'How is he?' She asked, and I shook my head.

'You can't go in there Hermana, orders from Anita.' I told her, and her face turned a ghostly white, she looked like she would cry. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder, for a while we stood there, and she released when she stopped crying.

'I've missed ya, Octavio.'

'I missed you two hermana. I'm going for a walk, if anyone asks.'

I started walking away, the thoughts and reimagining of the past events throughout the day and a half that I had been back alive.

I walked around the block, then towards the headquarter building. I could see it from a mile away, it stuck out as the tallest building in the city.

Once I got in, I went straight upstairs and into the dorm rooms, then to my room. I looked around more than I did when I first got back, the cards were either sorry for your loss or Get Well Soon cards. I then looked in my dresser, the ring box being there and empty, then the note not being there.

I never got to propose to Natalie.

Shifting towards my door, I walked out and over to her room. My shirt still on her chair, and a photo of us on her bedside table.

I smiled, and walked back out and over to the lounge area. Being the only one there felt wrong, but I couldn't handle my thoughts properly with the others around, so I put the tv on and lay back on the armchair I had sat in.

A few hours passed by before anyone came back, Anita, Che and Natalie. When they walked in, they saw me lay back, watching a movie.

'Silva, wit me, Now.' Che announced, and I jumped up as I didn't realise they had walked in. I followed her to the roof, where she looked back at me and cried. I hugged her instantly.

'Silva, why did this happen?'

'I don't know Che, we could ask Caustic.'

'No! He is the last person I want to talk to.'

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