Part 7: The Road To Redemption.

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'You fool!' He yelled at me as he pushed Anita off and grabbed me, Renee had gotten off of him a minute before, Anita wasn't strong enough to hold him.

I hit him multiple times and he refused to let go, choking me until Natalie ran at him and grabbed him. He instantly let go, and looked to her, she then looked back, slapped him and came to help me.

'You were involved Nox! You are the reason Octavio is dead!' I yelled at him as I gripped my throat, trying to ease the pain. He simply laughed and turned back towards me, looking at Natalie and me as she got me up. 'He wasn't the target, none of you were. Other than Mrs Andrade, isn't that right Simulacrum?' He said, and we all turned to Revenant.

'I don't know what you are doing skinbag but don't make a decision you'll regret. I organised this before Loba found the source code! I want to die you idiot!'

'Oh shut up, both of you.' Natalie said, and they looked at her.

'No, because the whole reason he is dead is because he got involved in Mrs Andrades little plan for Hammond.'

'No.. that's not true! Micheal killed him out of cold blood!' Natalie exclaimed at Caustic, I saw the look in her eyes, filled with hatred for the man.

'Natalie, your mind shouldn't be preoccupied by him. You matter too much too...'

'TALK ABOUT THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY AGAIN AND I WILL LEAVE. I am done with you Dr Caustic, who do you think you are to be saying that about Octavio?'

'I am saying this because I do not concern myself with petty squabbles and fights.'

'It wasn't a fight Nox, he was killed, I know that and I wasn't there.'

'Shut up Steven, you aren't even worthy of being a legend!' He spoke words that cut through my like hot knives through butter. He then turned and walked out of the door.

'Don't listen to him Steven,' Renee spoke, and I waved her off as I walked off to my room.

I sat on the corner of my bed as I played with my remote for my tv, I sat and thought about what Caustic said.

A small tap came from my door, 'It's open.' I said as the door opened to reveal Natalie, she walked in and threw herself onto the chair I had next to my bed.

'I am sorry about Dr Caustic... I didn't know the man had such a foul heart.' She said as she grabbed my arm and gently squeezed it, I smiled at her, 'You don't have to apologise, he knows where Micheal is... I'm doing this for Octavio.' I stated, as I stood and went for my door, but Natalie pulled me back.

'Can that wait? There's something else I wanted to talk to you about.. something that none of the other legends know.' She said, and I nodded to her, she looked on the brink of tears as she took off her glove and revealed a ring she was wearing.

'I found it in Octavio's drawer, along with a little note that he wrote.'

She pulled the note out and handed it to me:

Dear Natalie.

Wow, to believe I used to call you Natalia for the longest time chica! Anyway, I know that I may not be the type of man you wanted.. hell I'm just full of adrenaline and your all sciency and nerdy, but it's what I love about you Senorita. I wanted to choose a specific place to do this with you, and I thought maybe here would be perfect.. the same place we first ate together after our match, remember the one where the repulsor was blown and we had to run? I saw your eyes that day Chica and knew I was in love, so, will you marry me Chica?

I looked back up to Natalie as she starred at the ring and cried, 'I didn't mean to ever loose him, but we broke up a few weeks before this happened... I lost him and he never got to tell me how he really felt..' she stated as she burst into tears, I offered her a hug which she took and cried into my shoulder.

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