Chapter 01: Not Your Typical Weekend!

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Chapter 01: Not Your Typical Weekend!

*Willow's POV*

"Okay girls, we're off. Try not to break anything while we're gone." Aunt Ella said while zipping up the last of her bags on the kitchen table.

Uncle Connor ran downstairs, dragging a suitcase behind him. "Especially you, Willow."

I looked at the both of them in mock horror, placing a hand over my heart as I spoke to them. "Me? Clumsy? Why, uncle, I have you know, I'm always graceful on my fee-OW! Damn it, not again!"

Only I would stub my toe in the corner of the coffee table and knock over a vase...typical.

I stood up and made my way over to them. "Owie~"

As luck would have it, my cousin Alice caught the vase just before it made contact with the floor.

I sighed in relief. "Thanks, Alice."

She shook her head and chuckled. "Don't mention it. That's like, what...the hundredth time I've helped you this week? Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't gotten yourself involved in an accident yet."

"I could say the same for you, Miss. Alice 'The Wanderer'..." I muttered under my breath.

Alice tilted her head a little to the side, looking at me confused. "Did you say something?"

I shook my head. "Nope, nothing."

You're probably wondering who I am...well, as you probably have guessed already, my name is Willow - a 16 year old nerd who reads comic books and stories about myths and legends.

I also love reading fan fiction on Wattpad...don't suppose you've ever heard of it before, have you?

Now, here's a sad fact about my life you should probably know about, other than the fact I get bullied on a regular basis at school, perks for being a nerd, I guess. The only people I can really call friends are my cousin Alice, and Zero.

Anyway, the truth is...I know absolutely nothing about my parents.

I don't know who they are, where they are, or what they look like. I've been living with my aunt Ella, my uncle Connor, and cousin Alice ever since I could remember.

Before I entered high school, I used to ask my aunt and uncle about my parents almost everyday, but instead of the answers I was hoping for, all I get is: "Haven't you got homework due this week?"

Or one of the most ridiculous answers, like: "The weather man said it was supposed to rain today, but it's sunny instead."

Now that I'm older, I've come to terms that something bad might have happened to them, like maybe they had gotten in an accident or something, which is probably why my aunt and uncle could never give me a straight answer.

Anyway, back in the present, Alice and I grabbed a bag each from aunt Ella and made our way outside. Uncle Connor unlocked the car and let Alice open the boot. He lifted the suitcase and placed it inside the boot first, then the three of us placed the bags inside before he closed the boot and locked it securely.

"Mom, dad, is it alright if we invite Zero over? Somebody's gotta help me keep this klutz out of trouble while we clean up the basement." Alice asked, pointing a thumb at me who stood innocently on her left.

I glared at her playfully. "Funny, it's surprising how you're able to look where you're going AND still manage to keep your balance when your head is always stuck in the clouds."

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