Chapter 02: Once Upon A Not So Normal Fairytale!

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Chapter 02: Once Upon A Not So Normal Fairytale!

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Chapter 02: Once Upon A Not So Normal Fairytale!

*Narrator's POV*

"Once upon a time, there were three lovely Princesses.

During the celebration of the birth of one of the Princesses, her kingdom had been under attack by an evil villain who was thirsty for revenge.
The villain had frozen the entire kingdom for all eternity.

Everyone in the entire kingdom had been turned to frozen statues as a result of the villains power.
All except one; the Princess.

For many years, people from neighbouring kingdoms had tried to break the spell, but efforts were futile.

Not even fire could melt away the spell that had befallen the once magnificent kingdom.

They had also tried searching for the Princess of the once beautiful kingdom, hoping that she may have the solution to break the spell that had befallen the kingdom, but to no avail.

It is said that she was given the gift of Flight and Healing - a special gift from her mother, but there is no evidence to prove of this, for the Princess of the frozen kingdom had been declared lost forever.

This was why she had been known throughout all the kingdoms as The Lost Princess.

The second Princess was of an odd sort.
So odd, not even fate knew what to do with her.
Born of the fairy race, it has been foretold that she was granted the gift of Nature at birth.

Again, there is no evidence to support this.
If that were true, it would mean that she could communicate with animals from all kinds of species; from a rabbit, to a unicorn. 

When she was just a baby, she made a habit of wandering off and going on adventures of her own.
It would take the servants of the palace several hours to look for the little Princess, until they come across her having a nap with real life animals surrounding her, rather than stuffed toys like any normal Princess would.

She too, as well as the fairy King and Queen, had gone missing around the same time The Lost Princess had.

Some people even compared her to Alice, from the fairy tale Alice In Wonderland.
That is the reason she was known throughout all the kingdoms as The Wanderer.

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