Chapter 12: The Ogre And The Princess!

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Chapter 12: The Ogre And The Princess!

*Alice's POV*

"Blue flowers, red thorns. Blue flowers, red thorns." Donkey kept repeating over and over.

"Hey, Donkey? You miss Dragon a lot, don't you?"

Donkey stopped and turned to face me. His ears slowly flopped down, showing that he was a little sad. "Honestly? I feel really, really bad about leaving her behind. I don't know how to describe this feelin', but it makes me feel all...I don't know...all warm and fuzzy inside, ya know?"

I smiled sadly. "You miss her, don't you?"

Donkey blinked several times and started laughing. "What? Who, me? Me, a donkey, who's name just so happens to be Donkey, misses a female dragon, who's name is also coincidentally called Dragon? Nah, you're just pullin' on my tail, Alice."

I tilted my head to the side. I can tell that what he says out loud is something completely different to what his emotions are telling me. "Then why are you crying?" I lift a finger up and wiped a tear from his right eye and lifted it out to his eye level so he could see it for himself.

Donkey's eyes went wide in surprise. "Uh, that's...that's not my tears, okay? That's probably allergies or somethin' from the flowers-"


Donkey let out a sigh and looked me in the eyes. "Okay, fine. I admit it. I miss Dragon. Girl, it was like she was the only thing that mattered in my life, you know what I'm talkin' about? When I was with her, she kinda made me feel I was something special. It made me feel real sad that I had to leave her behind."

I crouched down and stroked his fur softly. "I know you do Donkey. You know what? Someday, maybe sooner than you think, she'll find her way out of that tower on her own, and she'll come looking for you."

Donkey looked terrified. " burn me alive and...and eat me?!"

I shook my head and laughed. "No, no, nothing like that. You know I was with you the entire time when she literally had you wrapped round her tail, right?" Donkey nodded. "Well, I could feel her exact emotions the entire time, just like how I can feel your emotions right now.
To tell you the truth Donkey, the only emotion that stood out the most within Dragons heart, was love."

Donkey looked confused. "Love?"

I nodded. "Yep, that's right...and a little lust, too, but I won't go into those kind of details. But yes, she loves you Donkey. She loved you very much. And I know you love her, too. You just have to wait for her to come find you, then you can both talk things out between you both. Though I have to warn you, she may be just a little teeny tiny bit angry with you..but I'm sure she'll understand once you tell her everything."

I stood back up and watched as Donkey nodded, taking everything in, then looked up at me with a huge toothy grin on his face. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right Alice. I'm gonna do exactly as you said and wait. Thanks Alice, I'm glad to have great friends like you, Zero, and Willow."

"No problem Donkey, we'll always be friends, no matter what." I turned around and went back to looking for a blue flower with red thorns on. "Now, let's concentrate on finding the blue flower, red thorns, okay."

"All right." said Donkey. I heard him walk around and repeated the same words over and over again. "Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. This would be so much easier if I wasn't colour-blind! Blue flower, red thorns."

"Relax, Donkey. Everything is going to be-"


I walked over to Donkey and looked to the direction Shrek yelled from. "Come on Donkey, we should probably head back."

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