Chapter 06: Rescued - Check! Running For Our Lives...Forever On-going!

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Chapter 06: Rescued - Check! Running For Our Lives...Forever On-going!

*Willow's POV*

"Tell me...are Princesses always this clumsy?"

"No, I am not clumsy. That wooden chair just so happened to be in the way, that's all."

"Yeah, sure it did."

I was currently sitting on Fiona's bed with her left foot on my lap so I could take care of the cut she had on her ankle from when she tripped over the wooden chair I forgot to put of course, I took it upon myself to help clean the wound.

"It's perfectly fine Willow, it's just a scratch." Fiona tried defending herself.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Alice said the exact same thing after she literally fell out of bed one morning and twisted her ankle."

"Well that was stupid." Said Fiona.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I picked up on it when I saw her limping in the kitchen, so I told her to sit down and let me wrap it up in a bandage."

Fiona smiled. "The two of you must be really close."

I smiled and nodded. "Even though we're actually cousins, people keep mistaking us for siblings though. We just grin a bare it because we've gotten so used to it by now.She'd let me take care of her injuries all the time because she always wanted to hear this particular song my aunt would sing. It made us feel calm and warm inside. My aunt would say it helps the pain go away, and it least, the emotional side of it, not the physical."

Fiona tilted her head to the side confused. "What do you mean? Surely if the song helps rid of any pain, it would also heal physical wounds too, like a spell or something?"

I shook my head. "Unfortunately, where we're from, there is no magic at all. No talking animals, no faeries, no mythical beings. Just ordinary regular human beings."

Fiona looked at me in shock. "Really? That's awful."

"It's not so bad...I guess you could say it's a life we've grown accustomed to since us humans were born. If I we were born here, then that would probably be a totally different story." I said truthfully.

"That song you were talking about, could you sing it for me?"

I blinked several times. Is she serious? "Are you sure about that? It's been awhile since I sang it, so I'll probably sound a little rusty."

Fiona chuckled. "I'm sure you'll sound great."


"No buts. Take it as a direct order from the Princess."

This took me surprise, but also made me feel a little nervous all of a sudden. I mean, this is a Princess we're talking about...freakin' royalty! What if she finds my voice irritating and horrifying?

Oh well, guess there's only one way to find out.

🎶 Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine🎶

I felt a warm sensation run through my body like I was showered with warm water, or when the sun hits your face on a warm sunny day.

Shrek: Once Upon A True Love's Kiss [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now