Chapter 09: Sometimes, Things Are More Than They Appear!

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Chapter 09: Sometimes, Things Are More Than They Appear!

*Alice's POV*

Once we found a place to camp for the night, Zero volunteered to grab some firewood for us while Shrek pushed a huge rock out of the way for us to sleep in for the night.

"Hey! Over here!" We heard Shrek's voice echo in the cave, gesturing us to walk over.

Donkey peered into the cave first while I stayed behind with Willow and Fiona. "Shrek, we can do better than that. I don't think this is fit for a Princess."

Fiona directed her gaze away from the sun that was starting to set and shook her head, smiling at Donkey and Shrek in reassurance. "No, no, it's perfect. It just needs a few homey touches."

Shrek looked confused at Fiona as she walked away to get a piece of wood. "'Homey touches'? Like what?"

"Like a long piece of wood that's half a size of a tree to use to make a makeshift door out of." said Willow.

I placed my hands on my hips and nodded. "Women need their privacy as much as men do, so might as well."

There was a crunching sound from behind us, making us turn to see to the source, only to find Fiona holding a large piece of tree in her hands. "Like Willow said, a piece of wood."

She walked over to us with a look of accomplishment on her face. "Come on ladies, you're not staying out here with them, it wouldn't do you girls any good to get your pretty dresses dirty."

I smiled. "Sure, thanks Fiona." I practically skipped over to the cave with Willow behind me. "Yay, a girly sleepy just the three of us! This is going to be awesome!~"

Willow chuckled. "Well, it beats sleeping on a wooden chair, that's for sure. Sleep well guys, Zero should be back any minute now with that fire wood. When he does, tell him not to disturb us, otherwise he'll be on breakfast duty on his own."

I entered the cave before Willow and Fiona entered last after placing the wooden makeshift door on the ground. "Well, gentlemen, I bid thee good night." She placed the door between two huge rocks, blocking our view of the guys completely and walked further into the cave.

"Uh, you want me to read you girls a bed time story?" Donkey asked outside the cave. "'Cause I will."

"I said goodnight!" Fiona yelled, her voice echoing inside the cave.

I raised an eyebrow at her. Of course I knew what was going to happen and that she transforms into an ogre at night, but I have to pretend I don't know anything and just play along. "Everything okay, Fiona?"

She looked at Willow who nodded reassuringly, then looked at me. "Okay...promise me you won't freak out and run away when I show you this?"

I nodded slowly. "Sure, but what is it you want to show me?"

She looked up through a small gap between the wooden makeshift door and one of the rocks next to it, looking directly at the setting sun and released a nervous sigh. "Okay, here it goes..."

As soon as the sun had completely disappeared, Fiona was coated in a golden glow and was lifted off the ground a little, transforming her human features into ogre features. She now had green skin and long ears, but most important of all, she still had some of her noticeable human features as well, such as her hair and her eyes, as well as her outfit.

Once she descended to the ground, the golden glow faded away. Fiona slowly lifted her head up and looked at me unsure of what my reaction to her appearance would be.

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