Chapter 03: Locked In A Tower With A Princess And A Fire-Breathing Dragon!

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Chapter 03: Locked In A Tower With A Princess And A Fire-Breathing Dragon!

*Willow's POV*

This...if I were to choose where to go on vacation next, this would be the last place I'd go to.

I mean seriously, who the hell wakes up in a dark tower that you'd see in films set in medieval times?

Well apparently, I did.

I woke up not long ago on the floor. I rubbed the back of my head and I slowly started sitting up. "Ouch! That's going to leave a mark for sure."

"Who's there?" A feminine voice asked.

I looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice. "Huh?"

"I said who's there?" The woman repeated.

I slowly stood up and looked to my right to see a shadow of a figure on a bed hidden behind a curtain.

I said the first thing that came to mind, not giving it a second thought. "Certainly not a your 'Prince Charming', that's for sure, sorry to disappoint."

"What do you mea-" She stopped mid-sentence as she opened the curtain, looking up and stared at me. "You're a female?"

I snorted. "Well yeah, last time I checked." I extended my hand to her. "My name's Willow, It's great to meet you, Princess....sorry, what's your name?"

She raised an eyebrow in confusion, but placed her hand in mine and shook it nonetheless. "I'm Princess Fiona. May I ask how you have never heard of my name before until now?"

I let got of her hand and took a good look at her. Long red hair in a braid...a small golden tiara...a pretty green dress with a pair of green flats....

No way! No, no, no, no, this isn't happening! If it is...then how?!

"What isn't happening? I don't mean to be rude, but you're acting a little strange...are you feeling alright?"

I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I'm fine, perfectly fine....why wouldn't I be, after being sucked into a portal one minute with your friends, then get split up and land in a completely different place from where you were before?"

Princess Fiona blinked a few times then shook her head and chuckled.

It was my turn to look at her confused. "What's so funny?"

She waved her hand in dismissal. "Forgive me, I've been on my own up in this tower for a very long time. I almost forgotten what it's like to actually have someone to talk to." She moved across on the bed and patted the space next to her. "Why don't you take a seat and tell me the story of how you ended up here in the first place?"

I smiled and took her up on her offer, sitting comfortably on the bed and twisted my body round to face her. It reminds me of the times I'd sneak into Alice's room late at night when we were kids, it made me feel comfortable. "Thanks, Princess. Sorry I'm not a knight in shining armer or any random Prince who would whisk you away or whatever."

She threw her head back and laughed. "It's absolutely fine, don't worry about it. Also, you can drop the honourifics and just call me Fiona. I mean, we're practically friends now, right?"

I nodded, my smile not leaving my face. "Absolutely! It's not as if you're calling me names, or trying to de-grade me like the bullies back where I'm from on a daily sure, why not?"

Fiona frowned suddenly. "Bullies? Why would anyone want to pick on a young girl such as yourself wearing a beautiful dress like the one you're wearing? Not to mention someone carrying a set of arrows on her back and a bow to match."

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