Chapter 14: Secrets Revealed! [Part 2]

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Chapter 14: Secrets Revealed! [Part 2]

*Willow's POV*

We stopped talking about the whole 'identity reveal' thing as soon as Donkey woke up. We decided it was about time we find Shrek and Fiona and see where they got to.

Once we reached them, Donkey decided to pop in between them, surprising them out of nowhere. "Man, isn't this romantic? Just look at the sunset."

Fiona looked up at the sunset and gasped. "Sunset?!" She stood up quickly and looked at both Alice and I with fear written all over her face. "Oh no! I-I mean, it's late." Shrek and Donkey followed her footsteps as she continued walking backwards until she stopped. "I-It's very late."

"What?" Shrek asked, looking very confused.

Donkey raised an eyebrow. "Wait a minute. I see what's goin' on here." Fiona released a small gasp in fear, thinking Donkey had figured out her secret. She glanced at Alice and I for help, not knowing what to do. "You're afraid of the dark, aren't you?"

I walked over to Fiona with Alice next to me, facing Shrek and Donkey. "Yes she is. In fact, all girls are afraid of the dark. I-It's's-"

"It's only natural." Alice helped me because I started to panic a little. We had to prevent them from seeing Fiona's ogre form, even though they'll see it eventually...but still, it's only fair we help her out. We are friends, after all. "It's a known fact that a lot of women are afraid of the dark because of various reasons. Like...imagine if Robin Hood and his Merry Men popped up out of nowhere again?"

Wow...I'm surprised Alice could actually come up with something smart like that straight away. Good thinking, Alice!

Fiona nodded her head. "Yes! Yes, that's it. I'm afraid, and so is Alice and Willow. Am I right girls?"

Alice and I nodded simultaneously. "Right!"

"You know, w-we'd better get inside." Fiona said before turning round and started heading for the cave we would be sleeping in again with Alice and I walking next to her side by side, even when Donkey spoke to us. "You know, don't feel bad, you three. I used to be afraid of the dark, too, until-" Donkey shook his head. "Hey, no, wait, I'm still afraid of the dark." Shrek rolled his eyes and sighed, not saying a word.

"Just let them be, they've got us to keep a watch out." said Zero. "Kinda guard duty or something like that, ya know?"

When we reached the door, Fiona turned round to face Shrek, Donkey, and Zero, giving them a small smile...though I'm pretty sure she only had her eyes focused on Shrek. "Good night."

"Good night." Shrek said, though Fiona was already inside the cave before she could hear him say it back to her.

Alice gave them a small wave and smiled. "Sleep well guys."

"See you in the morning." I told them with a smile before heading inside with Alice, then shut the door behind me and sighed in relief. "Whew, that was a close one."

Fiona sighed in relief. "You're telling me.
I'm glad we made it inside on time just as the sun was setting." Fiona closed her eyes and was surrounded by that same golden light again that lifted her up a little, transforming her from human, to that of an ogre once again.

Once the light gently set her down on her feet, she opened her eyes and smiled warmly at us. "I should thank you girls for helping me out back there."

I waved a hand in dismissal and smiled. "It was nothing, really."

Alice smiled and nodded. "You would do the same for us, anyway. That's what friends are for."

Fiona stared at the both of us in thought. "You know, I am absolutely positive the three of us have met before, but I still can't quite put a finger on when and where exactly..."

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