Chapter 11: Robin Hood And His Not-So Merry Men!

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Chapter 11: Robin Hood And His Not-So Merry Men!

*Willow's POV*

I sniffed the air and smiled contently. "Something smells good."

Alice chuckled. "You gotta love the fresh smell of eggs in the morning."

Zero yawned and started stretching his arms. "Sorry about that, I couldn't keep it in much longer, ya know?"

Alice scrunched her nose up in disgust. "Ew! Dude, gross! We wasn't talking about you, anyway."

"Good morning, everyone!" I took a seat next to Fiona, who I've noted is now in her human form, and dug into one of the eggs she had cooked. "Wow, Fiona! This is really good!"

Alice sat on my right and took a bite of hers and grinned. "This tastes great, Fiona. Reminds me of the times a unicorn would give me edible poop in my dreams~"

Fiona sweat dropped. "Um...okay?" She shook her head and smiled widely. "Thank you, girls. I had to feed myself somehow whilst being locked away in that tower. So, I've taught myself how to cook a few things here and there."

"What's all this about?" Shrek asked, gesturing to another set of eggs sizzling by the fire.

Fiona placed the eggs on a small stone and picked it up with one hand as she stood up. "We kind of got off to a bad start yesterday. I wanted to make it up to you." She made her way over to Shrek, Donkey, and Zero, who were sitting on the floor, and placed the stone with the eggs on in front of them. "I mean, after all, you did rescue me."

Shrek scratched his ear while Donkey sniffed the eggs, probably to check if there was some kind of poison put on them. "Uh, thanks."

"Yeah, thanks Fiona." Zero said before digging into the eggs like an animal.

"Well, eat up." Fiona walked towards the end of the rocks and looked up at the sunrise.

She's definitely got this positive vibe about her this morning. I genuinely hope it stays that way, to be honest. I'd hate to see Fiona and the others look miserable. "We've got a big day ahead of us."

~Time Skip~

After we finished breakfast, which I have to admit was very delicious, I grabbed my bow and arrows and adjusted them onto my back, while Alice grabbed her daggers and put them on either side of her hips in their holders. We both decided we'd take off our weapons and place them next to us last night so we would be comfortable if we wanted to get a good nights sleep.

Anyway, all six of us left the camp and walked through the woods. About 5 minutes into our journey, both Shrek and Zero burped pretty loudly.

"Shrek!" Donkey yelled.

"Zero!" Alice yelled.

"What? It's a complement." Shrek defended. "Better out than in, I always say." Shrek laughed. Zero and I laughed along with him.

"Well, it's no way to behave in front of a Princess." Donkey whispered, even though all of us, including Fiona, could clearly hear him.

Zero shrugged his shoulders innocently. "Want us to burp the other way instead? 'Cause Shrek and I will quite happily oblige-"

"Dude! Seriously, that's disgusting." Alice said, moving away to walk at the front next to Donkey, leaving me with Zero at the back, and Shrek and Fiona in the middle.

"Well, this is going to be a rather entertaining journey, huh?" I kept laughing, but I ended up burping out loud as well, making me slap my hand over my mouth and laugh nervously. "Ehehe...Oops?"

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