Chapter 16: Hallelujah!

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Chapter 16: Hallelujah!

*Willow's POV*

After we arrived at the castle in DuLoc, I helped Fiona into her wedding dress, and Alice did Fiona's hair.

Although Farquaad had ordered for a professional dress fitter and hair stylist for Fiona, Alice and I politely sent them away.
We told them she didn't need the assistance because she has the two of us to help her instead.

They probably thought we were her maids or her 'ladies in waiting' or whatever. Neither of us bothered to correct them. It would have been a waste of time, so we just let them think whatever they wanted.

Alice and I didn't want to put on the dresses they gave us, but we did agree on wearing the flower crowns, which were both exactly the same.

Alice and I didn't want to put on the dresses they gave us, but we did agree on wearing the flower crowns, which were both exactly the same

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(A/N: Alice and Willow's flower crown)

Once Alice was done with Fiona's hair, we got a good look at her entire wedding outfit.

Even though she'll be 'marrying' Farquaad, I think she looks absolutely gorgeous. I just hope Shrek, Donkey, Dragon, and Zero get here on time.

Fiona placed a pink rose corsage around my left wrist, and a blue rose corsage around Alice's right. Nothing needed to be done with how hairs because they it was naturally wavy anyway, so all we did was make it as neat and tidy as best as we could.

The three of us wore very light makeup, although I was very reluctant to wear it because I've never liked wearing makeup even when Alice, Zero and I were in the human realm. I only agreed to it because it was Fiona's wedding, and because this was a special occasion, Alice gave me no choice but to wear it.

Honestly, that woman is freakin' scary! She said if I refused to wear even just a little bit of makeup, she will burn my entire stash of Marvel comics I currently have in my possession.

That's only if we end up going back to the human realm once this is all over with.

Speaking of, I wonder how aunt Ella and uncle Connor are doing? They must know already that we're in this world and not over there with them back in the human realm...after all, they are royalty here...

"What are you thinking about?" Alice asked. It was just the two of us in the room. Fiona wanted some time to herself, which we knew that's what she wanted, so we left her to it.

I sighed. "Just thinking about aunt Ella and uncle Connor, and how they are doing. I don't even know how long it's been since we left."

"Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure they knew this was going to happen...that they knew since the beginning that we'd return to this world." Alice said in thought before looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Is it just me, or does it feel like there's a lot more to this 'prophecy' Zero mentioned than we originally thought?"

I placed my forefinger and thumb on my chin in thought. "Yeah, now that you mention it, what are we supposed to do exactly? Once Shrek and Fiona finally get married, what happens to us? Do we stay here?...Or do we go back to the human realm?"

Fiona popped her head round the corner, surprising us a little.  "Girls, dinner's here. Let's sit down and eat before we finish getting ready."

"We'll join you in just a sec." Alice said.

"Okay then, you better hurry before it gets cold." Fiona said before heading to the dining table.

Alice turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, making me look up at her.
Why am I so short? Damn it! "Look, we'll worry about all of that when it gets to that point. Let's just keep Fiona company and pray that the boys are on their way with least I hope they are..."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Alice laughed nervously. "Weeeeell, let's just say I gave Donkey just a...a little nudge to the right direction..."

I closed my eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "You told him to tell him to confess his feelings to Dragon, didn't you?"

I opened my eyes and saw a small smile on her face slowly turning upwards to a huge grin. "Something like that..."

I sighed again and pointed a finger at her. "You better hope he actually listened to you and did something about it. We can't afford to mess up the plot of the movie, even though we're literally now a part of it ourselves."

Alice rolled her eyes. "You're over exaggerating, it'll be fine. Bedsides, we already changed a few things around anyway, like how Farquaad's maids were originally meant to be the ones who we're supposed to help Fiona get ready for the wedding, not us."

I blinked a few times then shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, fine, whatever." I spun her around and started pushing her out of the door. "Now let's hurry up before the food gets cold."

Alice giggled. "You definitely miss eating pizza, don't you."

"Woman, don't test me. Of course I miss it! Pizza is life, god damnit!"

We stopped our conversation when we reached the table with Fiona sitting at the head of the table, then I took the seat closest to Fiona, and Alice took the spare seat next to me.

Neither of us dared to speak, so we ate our dinner in silence. We were all lost in our own thoughts, until Fiona suddenly dropped her fork, which startled me a little, then placed her hands on either side of her head in frustration.

"It's a cold, and it's a broken hallelujah, that's for sure." I mumbled.

"Huh? Did you say something Willow?" Fiona asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

Alice pushed her chair back and stood up. "Come on, let's finish getting ready for the wedding. We don't want to make Farquaad mad if we're late, especially the bri-OW!!" I pinched her to shut her up.

I put a finger to my lips and pointed to Fiona, who looked even more gloomy than while we were eating together.

Alice and I looked at each other, then at Fiona again. We both sighed at the same time.

Fiona has by far got to be the most bravest Princess we've ever known, especially having to go through with something like this with someone like Farquaad.

Come on you guys, it's almost time!

**End of Chapter 16**

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