Chapter 15: The Dreaded Day!

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Chapter 15: The Dreaded Day Begins!

*Alice's POV*

"I tell him, I tell him not." I woke up to the sound of Fiona talking to herself while plucking a flower. "I tell him, I tell him not."

I stood up and stretched my arms a little, then made my way over to her. "Have you been awake this whole time?"

Fiona looked at me with a small smile. "Morning Alice. I've had a little trouble sleeping, that's all. It's probably just wedding jitters, as they say." Now why do I find that hard to believe?

"Is it morning already?" Willow asked in between yawning.

She stood next to me and looked at the flower. "That's a pretty big sunflower. Must've been given to you by someone special." She winked at Fiona.

I smiled softly and pointed at the last petal on the sunflower. "You've still got one more petal left on that flower."

Fiona had a light blush coating her cheeks. "You're right." She looked at the flower with a huge smile and plucked the last petal. "I'll tell him." She stood up and made her way over to the door with the both of us following her from behind, and opened it fully.

"Shrek!" She rushed out of the door, looking around for him. "Shrek, there's something I want-" She stopped mid-sentence when she couldn't see Shrek with Donkey and Zero by the campfire.

I made my way outside of the cave with Willow and looked up at the sky. "Fiona, look!"

Willow gasped. "The sunrise!"

Fiona shielded her face from the sun and a golden shimmering light started covering her from head to toe, transforming her from ogre back to human again.

As soon as the light faded, I spotted Shrek making his way up the hill. "He sure does love to time things well, doesn't he?"

Fiona walked down the set of steps in front of us and started making her way towards Shrek. "Shrek."

I grabbed Willow's arm and practically dragged her down the steps so she wouldn't fall down them, as funny as it would be to see that happen. "Come on, let's wake up Zero."

"Yeah, I don't feel like standing with Fiona while she talks to Shrek. He does not look happy at all." I heard her say.

We jogged past Shrek and Fiona and stopped next to Zero. I tried shaking him awake, but the idiot wouldn't wake up.

Plan B it is then.

I pretended to gasp in shock. "Oh. My. Gosh. Is that naked woman over by that tree checking Zero out?!"

He quickly sat up straight without opening his eyes and wore a perverted smile on his face "Why hello there, beautiful. My name is Xavier, but you can call me: Mr. Stud Muffin~" He started giggling uncontrollably.


Willow bent down so she was directly next his ear and shouted. "Wake up, ya damn pervert!"

His eyes shot open and he looked around helplessly. "W-Where did she go?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I made it all up so you could wake up, but you were too stupid enough to fall for it, so Willow had to literally shout in your ear. Freakin' pervert."

Zero stood up and looked around again, nodding his head over in Fiona and Shrek's direction. "Looks like Shrek isn't happy. Let's go over and found out what he's angry about." He walked ahead of us towards Shrek and Fiona, leaving Willow and I behind.

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