Chapter 18: The Truth Is Finally Out!

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Chapter 18: The Truth Is Finally Out!

*Willow's POV*

Fiona moved away from Farquaad and looked down the aisle with a hopeful look on her face. "Shrek?"

Farquaad groaned in irritation. "Oh, now what does he want?"

Shrek made his way down the aisle, waving at the audience who gasped in terror at him. "Hi everyone. Havin' a good time, are ya?"

Some girls started pointing at Zero, saying how handsome he was. Of course, he just had to bask in the attention, now that he's finally got it.

"Zero!" Alice and I yelled at the same time.

He looked in our direction and smiled, then made his way over to us. "Glad we made it on time."

I chuckled. "You almost had us worried there for a minute. Alice especially."

Alice huffed and looked away stubbornly. "Not true!"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, whatever you say."

Once Shrek reached the alter, he waved at the audience again. "I love DuLoc." No you don't. "First of all, very clean."

"What are you doing here?" Fiona asked.

Farquaad scoffed. "Really, it's rude enough being alive when no one wants you, but showing up uninvited to a wedding-"

"Fiona!" Shrek said, ignoring Farquaad. He walked up a couple of steps and was now standing directly in front of Fiona. "I need to talk to you."

Fiona looked at Shrek, feeling both angry and upset. "Oh, now you wanna talk? Well, it's a little late for that, so if you'll excuse me-" She leaned toward Farquaad and was about to kiss him, but Shrek grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him instead. "But you can't marry him."

Fiona yanked her arm out of Shrek's hold and glared at him. "And why not?"

"Because..." Shrek stuttered for a moment. "Because he's just marrying you so he can be King."

I took a step towards them. "It's true, Fiona."

Alice also took a step forward, glaring at Farquaad. "Yeah, he's just using you so he can gain more power for himself."

"Outrageous!" Farquaad yelled. He turned to Fiona, putting on the fake innocent act. "Fiona, don't listen to them."

Shrek shook his head. "He's not your true love."

Fiona glared at Shrek. "And what do you know about true love?"

"Well..." Shrek hesitated. "I...uh...I mean-"

Farquaad chuckled sinisterly. "Oh, this is precious."  He pointed a finger at Shrek. "The ogre has fallen in love with the Princess!" He swirled his other hand around in a circle, gesturing for the two people with the boards to change it to 'laughing', forcing the audience to laugh. "Oh, good lord. An ogre, and a Princess!"

"Shrek." Fiona spoke softly to Shrek, getting his attention. "Is this true?"

"Who cares? It's preposterous!" Farquaad yelled.

I glared at Farquaad. "No, your 'preposterous'! At least he actually has feelings for her!"

Farquaad ignored me and grabbed Fiona's hand, looking up at her. "Fiona, my love, we're but a kiss away from our 'happily ever after'. Now kiss me. Mmm!" He puckered his lips and leaned up, expecting Fiona to kiss him just as he said.

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