Chapter 07: Fiona's Hero Finally Reveals Himself!

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Chapter 07: Fiona's Hero Finally Reveals Himself!

*Willow's POV*

Shrek placed Donkey down, and all of us started making our way down the rock wall.
We then slid our way down one by one, landing gracefully on our feet.

Well....Fiona, Alice, and Zero landed gracefully on their feet. I, however, obviously did not, but thankfully my butt didn't make contact with the ground this time. I started readjusting my bow and arrows, making sure I didn't lose my set of arrows while we ran from the castle.

"You did it!" Fiona yelled happily. "You rescued Willow and I! You're amazing! You''re wonderful. You're..."

That's when Shrek crashed into Donkey.

"...a little unorthodox, I'll admit." Fiona made her way over to Shrek. "But, thy deed is great, and thine heart is pure."

I stood with Alice and Zero and smiled at them with my arms folded across my chest. "Well, it's great that the three of us are back together again. Glad the two of you are alright."

Alice giggled. "Same goes for you, Willow. I knew you'd be safe this entire time."

Zero smirked. "Yeah, she thought you might've landed in some bakery making pizza or somethin'"

I put my hand over my heart and gasped in mock horror. "And make them without the two of you? Never!"

Alice rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right..."

We turned our attention to Fiona, who did a small bow in front of Shrek. "I am eternally in your debt."

Donkey cleared his throat, grabbing Fiona's attention. "And where would a brave knight be without his noble steed?"

If it was possible for Donkey to blush, then I'm pretty sure he was doing that right now while looking at Shrek with a smug look on his face. "I hope you heard that. She called me a noble steed. She thinks I'm a steed." Fiona, Alice and I giggled.

Zero also happened to clear his throat, grabbing our attention. I tried not to laugh. "Got a tickle in your throat there, Zero?"

Alice rubbed her finger and thumb on her chin in thought. "Maybe he's got a sore throat?"

Zero went tight lipped nodded his head stiffly. "Yeah...yeah, got a little uh, somethin' there stuck in my throat."

Alice cringed. "Ewww, gross!"

I shook my head disapprovingly. "That is just nasty."

"The battle is won." Said Fiona. She stood up and took a few steps towards Shrek, indicating at the helmet he wore. "You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight."

Oh sweet lord, here it comes.

Shrek held his hands up and shook his head, taking a few steps back. ""

"Why not?" Fiona asked, confused.

Shrek looked a little nervous and tapped the helmet. "I have helmet hair." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. That would probably be more believable if he actually had hair...

"Please, I would'st look upon the face of my rescuer." Fiona begged. "I've already seen Zero's face because he isn't wearing a helmet, but wonderful as it was for him to help you rescue me, along with Willow, I'm afraid he looks a little too young for my taste." She twisted her body slightly to Zero and gave him an apologetic smile. "No offence, Zero, but I think I'd prefer it if we were friends."

Zero smiled. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable Fiona."

Alice poked his cheek and spoke in a voice you would use to speak to baby's with. "Aww, looks like somebody just got friend-zoned, and by an actual Princess of all people." I put my hand over my mouth and laughed.

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