Chapter 10: A Dream? Or A Memory?

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Chapter 10: A Dream? Or A Memory?

*Willow's POV*

"Isn't she just the cutest?"

Huh? Who said that?

"She looks exactly like her father, but has her mothers eyes."

Who are these people talking about?

Better yet...where am I?

"Dear child, do turn around. I'm not so sure how long my spell will last, my magic has been a little rusty over the last few years, so please do bare with." A wise masculine voice said behind me.

I opened my eyes and turned around to be met with an old man with a very long white beard, round glasses, and wearing an outfit suitable for a magician with a pointy hat and everything. way! He's-

"That's correct my dear. I am Merlin, known to many as the greatest magician. You and many others have read about me in many stories, such as the Arthurian legends. It is a pleasure to meet you again face to face, Princess."

I was taken aback by what he just said.
He's met me before? How and when? And...Princess?! "H-How have we met before? I don't mean to be rude, but I think I'd recognise a person if I've seen them before, and although you do look very family, it could just be a coincidence, that's all. And I can assure you, I am not a Princess. Sorry to disappoint."

He gave a light chuckle. "Perhaps it'll be much easier if I let you see for yourself."

I raised an eyebrow and watched as he clicked his fingers and took us to what looks like the inside of a castle.

Merlin and I stood in front of a set of huge doors. Once a pair of guards opened them, we walked into what looked to be a grand hall with glistening chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, red curtains drawn back to reveal very tall glass windows, showing that it must be late afternoon as the sun was still in the sky.

There was an orchestra playing light classical music with a few guests dancing along to it gracefully, a few tables set closer to the walls with a variety of food and drinks covering them entirely

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There was an orchestra playing light classical music with a few guests dancing along to it gracefully, a few tables set closer to the walls with a variety of food and drinks covering them entirely. There were a lot of people here all dressed up in beautiful suits and dresses fit for royalty as if they were attending some kind of party or important celebration.

"I'm so happy you've made it."

I turned around to look for the owner the voice belonged to, but couldn't find it amongst the crowed of people. The voice sounded so warm and motherly.

I heard light laughter behind me. "Of course we did, we wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to meet our niece for the first time now, could we? Not only that, you both managed to gather the entire family as well to mark this special occasion. You've done a wonderful job Odette and Derek."

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