~You did Wrong~

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Freddy POV

I'm not letting anyone take Foxy away...
"The fox isn't yours"
"So what?... Can still flirt with them cant I?"
"Not when their boyfriend is around... You see... I don't like it when people are one looking at my boyfriend and two trying to hit in him"
"Who said I was looking at the red fox?" Oh...
"You know she's lesbian"
"So what? I can make her straight" this fucking bitch... The fuck? Thats... That's not how it works but ok-

He was looking at Mangle... But he still made Foxy uncomfortable... This bitch is still gonna die no matter what.

"Hey... I know of a way that you can make her acknowledge you"
"Yea I known her for a while now... Follow me" I walked away then I saw him following. Great. Now... Where to lead him too?... Mmm...
"So... Where are we going?"
"A place in private so I can tell you what you need to know... And show you as well"
"Oh ok then..." Ok now he sounds a bit skeptical(?) now I need to find a place... And fast.

Foxy POV

"I dropped kick that old lady in self-defense"

... I think Goldie killed her...

Freddy POV

I lead him to a small alley way... It's pretty dark there.
"So... What are you gonna tell me about her now?"
"Well... Her name is none of your business. What you should have done is not follow a stranger... And the way she well notice you is if your dead"
"Your hear me"

(Well said Freddy 👏👏)

I walked away from the body... That's what he gets... Don't make Foxy uncomfortable and don't try to make one of my friends straight... Because it's not going to work.

It never does

End of chapter

Sorry it's short and sorry it's been a while-
I been trying to update the days but school is starting up again soon so yea

Working while you're still in school can be hard but whatever

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